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"Ok, so the whole reasoning behind Romeo and Juliet is ...Can anyone tell me?" I asked my students.

"Its reason is to explain a tragic history between true love and the lengths one would have to go to be with their true love," Sophia said after she was called on

"Great explanation Sophia.. anyone else got one they wanna tell?" i asked looking around the room.

"Yes, McGregor?" I said

"The reasoning behind Romeo and Juliet is..." he trailed off and I knew it was gonna be a smart ass reply from how his friends were chuckling and looking amongst themselves.

"No smart butt reply McGregor" I warned and he slouched back in his seat folding his arms and his friends laughed.

"Enough. now we are here to learn so if you don't wanna learn then don't come here and make it hard for the ones that do wanna learn" I said before I moved on with the whole reasoning behind Romeo and Juliet.

We had plenty to discuss and go over for the test coming up.

"Alright class, remember the quote and prepare for the test tomorrow," I said before I dismissed them.

I watched as they all gathered up their things and left one by one all laughing and the guys nudging each other.

I shook my head and went on about finishing up my day by writing down what tomorrow's activity was and the test. I started writing down the questions I was gonna call out for the test and then on a different paper wrote down the answers and hid them knowing one of the students was gonna try and sneak in here and find them to cheat from.

" Well, they seemed like they were in a hurry to get away from you though I am not sure why, when you are a beautiful lady."

I was startled by the voice not knowing someone was in the schoolhouse with me.

I looked up and saw Falcon sitting where Sophia was before school was let out.

"They are children, I don't know a one that truly could stand being around me that long of a time or longer," I said

"Well they are kids so they would want to be free" was his reply like it was something he wanted.

I placed my pen down while looking at him.

"Is that what you want?" I asked

He stood and made his way over to me.

"Now what silly question is that?" he questioned

"I don't find what I just asked silly at all." I tell him

"Well, then why would you come up with such a thought?" he asks

"Well, I thought we were courting as did the people in this town and farmers of the town." I replied

He looked at me in question before I continued on.

"I am pretty sure when people do court they try to stay in contact and not shut the other out or make them feel like they are stupid for jumping into something feet first within knowing the said person they are counting a short length of time."

He caught on to what I was saying and not one ounce of pity or sorry was a show. Which is good cause I cant stand that at all.

"But it's fine, you know. I am a dummy who fell in love with a guy who killed her kidnapper not knowing the story till I told it. claiming he just wanted the horse but never took him."

He said nothing as I gathered up my things and tied the book satchel and picked it up.

"I fell in love with someone who I thought was perfect, who I wanted to give myself to." I expressed as I walked up to where he stood not being afraid. Why should I when my Pa taught me the ways of the world which itself is scarier than confessing my love to my Indian?

My Beautiful sexy, Native Indian. But I guess that is no more.

"So let's be done with it and move on," I said as I gathered my will to speak the words I never wanted to, but needed to be said.

"Don't you dare Atsilvsgi" he warned

"No I will dare, and you will not call me a flower anymore," I tell him

He stood up and looked at me with an expression that was similar to the one he had when he saw the cut on my face.

"I will call you that. because you are my Ageya." he says

I looked at him and said nothing. I just walked around him and headed for the door but he grabbed my arm.

"You are mine and this courting is over. that is true cause we are getting married." he tells me

I looked at him like he had two heads before jerking my arm out of his hand

"You must be crazy if you think after all that worrying I did for more than two weeks is simply forgotten and that I will marry you." I stated

With that said I walked out of the schoolhouse, climbed up in my wagon and rode off.

I was done with the hurt that I felt, I was just wanting to go home and mourn a love that never got a chance to fully take off from its starting point.



Falcon's Heaven ( completed) (has not been edited)Where stories live. Discover now