Red Roses

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"I-I like you!" Marinette blurted out. They stood outside the doors of the school. Most students had left already so no one heard her confession but Adrien.

He stared at her in shock. She liked him? His expression saddened. "I'm sorry, Marinette," he said. "I love someone else." Hearing those words sent a dagger through Marinette's heart. Her stomach dropped and her heart felt heavy. She could feel the hot tears form in the corner of her eyes and she wrapped her arms around her trembling body.

She forced a smile and blinked away the tears. "I understand!" Before he could reply, she took off and went inside the bakery. He called out her name but she ignored it.

He wanted to go after her but his ride arrived and he had to go home. He glanced at the bakery as he passed by and he could faintly see Marinette's parents huddling around her. Cheering her up possibly, he thought. He sighed. She probably told them what happened and they hate me now.

Adrien arrived home and went upstairs to his room. He put his bag down and Plagg flew out. "Way to go Adrien, you broke bakery girl's heart," he said. And Ladybug's too.

Adrien glared at him. Plagg shrugged him off and left to eat his precious cheese.

Adrien did his homework and had dinner before going off to patrol. He transformed and ran in the cool night breeze. He took in a big breath of air and smiled.

He did his round and headed off to the Eiffel Tower to wait for his Lady. Chat looked around the beautiful city and spotted a cart full of flowers. Despite being late, the city was still very much alive with adults and couples.

Chat jumped down and walked towards the cart. It was full of roses of different colors. The owner of the cart jumped in joy upon seeing the hero.

"Chat Noir! Here to pick up some flowers for a lovely lady?" the man asked. Chat chuckled, "I guess I could take one. How much?" The man scoffed, "Nonsense! No need to pay for one little flower. Take the one you think is best!"

Chat smiled and turned back to the cart. His eyes wandered every flower and every petal. His eyes landed on a red rose that stood out among the rest. He picked it up and the man raised a brow.

"Red for passion! My, my, is this flower for Ladybug?" he asked. Chat turned to him and then back to the flower. He grinned, "Yes."

Marinette had confessed to him, why couldn't he confess to Ladybug? It was very brave of her and he was going to honor that bravery. Chat thanked the man and went back up to the Eiffel Tower.

Ladybug was already there. She sat facing a different direction to where he came from. She was hunched over slightly, wrapping her arms around herself.

Chat walked over to her and sat next to her. "Hello, My Lady," he smirked. "Hey, Chat," she replied, not looking up. "I need to tell you something. Something important."

This got her attention and she looked up. Her eyes were puffed slightly and the sparkle she had in them was no longer there.

"What is it?" she asked softly. Chat pulled out the rose and took one of her hands. "Ladybug, I know you never take me seriously, but you need to know that everytime I say I love you, I mean it.

"You are my everything and I look forward to seeing you everyday. Will you accept me?" He held out the rose and she looked down at it. She thought for a moment before scoffing.

"I don't want your stupid rose," she snapped. Chat blinked in surprise. "Wh-what?" She glared at him, "You don't know me, Chat. You don't love me! You don't love the girl behind the mask!"

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