"I didn't bring every healing plant to cure him." Zane answered.

"I can get back to the mansion in the human world and get back with the healing plants you'll need. Just tell me what those plants are." Keith seriously volunteered.

"You can't, the poison is spreading rapidly and it has to be mending immediately. If you have to go back to the mansion then you'll be back after three days because in human world, the time zone is slow compared to your world." -Zane.

"I can search those healing plants in the mystic world." Hector said while his head is down. I never seen nor heard of him like this before. His voice is cold. The Hector I know is happy. I think he's cold when he's worried. "Tell me, what do you need?" He turned to Zane.

"I'll come with you." -Kenneth.

"It's hard to remember those plants. I think I should come with you to search too." -Zane.

"I should come with you too because you can't return to this world without a dwarf." Granny volunteered. "And the more we are, the faster we can collect." Granny is serious too.

They all nodded.

"I should come too." -Keith.

"No, Keith." -Kenneth. "You have to look over here with Alex, if there's something wrong might happen, do as you must." Keith nodded.

"Please be hurry." –Keith. They nodded as a respond.

After it all, Granny chanted to appear a portal in front of them and they left.

"You must be very confused" I and Jamaicah nodded to Keith. "When Kenneth and Hector put their emblems on their cloak, it didn't melt." Keith touched her emblem on her cloak. "And when it melts, it only means that the person wears it have a desire of cruelty, hatred, and wickedness. This enchanters wants to rule of the world, wants to get revenge, and something like that." Now I know why they assisted them all of a sudden. Because if their emblems were melted it means that they are deceived by Alfred and want to make a war against the good enchanters. But earlier, when they put their emblems on their cloak, it didn't melt. It means that they are on our side for true. "The emblems were made by the royal family with the help of our deities. It is created to help the royal family determine the hearts of everyone. Deities can determine them but the royal family can't so it is created."


"The deity stands higher than the royal family but they have the same purpose to bring peace and unity in our world. But since we can't see our deities because they are sacred and only worthy souls can hear them, our deity ordained a family and led them to lead us." –Keith. "If the royal family passed away and they have a child then their responsibly will pass to their child. If they have children then deities will pick one of them to lead the world. And if they don't have any then deities will pick and ordain another family." I and Jamaicah nodded.

*Cough! Cough! (The man coughed)

We turned to him.

"I think we need to put a pillow beside him." Jamaicah suggest. Keith nodded so Jamaicah put the pillow beside him.

"He'll be okay?" I asked.

"He must. We all need him." Keith said in a serious voice so I turned to her. "His name is Heather Forsythe, our king."

He's their King?


Alfred's POV

"Where's our prisoner?" I yelled my servants in anger. "You, fools!" I pointed my stick where it pleased me and broke something. "Why did you let him get away?" They did not answer so I pointed the stick to another direction and broke something. "Ahhh.." I yelled in disbelief. "Who helped him? I know he can't escape the prison all on his own. Tell me!" I pointed the stick to one of my servant. "Did you help him get away?" He immediately kneels down, really down.

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