Chapter 10

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"Shh... quiet" Keith suddenly said after all of us are spit from the portal of Granny. Granny came with us too. "Hear that?"

I heard it. There's someone behind the bush not far from us.

We returned to the Mystic World early in the morning from the Dwarf World. Granny told us to have breakfast with them but Keith told them that we need to return back to the human world and report to Mr. Fred.

It still early that darkness still didn't left.

There it is again. What's that sound? We all became alert.

"I think it's not the right time for you to head back." Granny said and chanted to appear a portal towards their world. "Each of you should wait in our world until this area is clear." Jamaicah went into the portal first.

The sound became so loud that made me fright. I'm attempted to go inside the portal that Granny made. It's not safe for me to be here. I'm just a human, I don't have magic powers and I don't know how to fight as well.


The bush spit three personages, the two looked up and we recognize that they are Hector and Kenneth pleading for help.

And who's that person they supported? He's like he's in mid-forties just like my parents are. And about he's state right now is like he's weak and poor. He's wearing a plain black cloak too just like Kenneth's and Hector's. He's hair is long like a lady do. It's like he never had a time to cut he's hair for a long-long time.

*Cough! Cough! (The man coughed)

"Help!" Hector pleaded as he sees us.

Keith urges to help them.

"No, Keith!" Zane stopped her. "We don't know if they are under Alfred's spell!" Keith was awaken and stepped back off covering her mouth.

What if Zane is right? How will we ever know that they aren't under Alfred's spell?

Why did Kenneth and Hector bring that man here? Is it because they rescued that person from the dark castle? Or is it that they're up to something and their faces and emotions are not real.

"Zane, give us our emblems back." Kenneth ordered and Zane tossed their emblems to them. Kenneth caught it and gave the other to Hector and they put it to their cloak.

"Kenneth, Hector, thank goodness you're safe!" Keith said cheerfully and urges to help them.

"Keith!" I called. What if they're acting like they are on our team but inside is not. Did she forget what Zane said recently?

Zane urges to help them too.

What are they doing?

"Granny, can we stay in your world for today?" -Zane.

"Sure." And Granny too? Granny chanted and the portal grown bigger and wider. "Get in. Hurry! Before any intruder see us."

We all hurried to enter.

Why in the world did their minds changed to help them all of a sudden?

After we arrive in the dwarf world, Jamaicah was shocked to see who we brought with.

Kenneth and Hector immediately lay the man in bed.

"Zane, you have to heal him." -Kenneth. Kenneth pointed the mid-forty man.

Zane came closer to them and checked the man.

Who's that man? Why are they all acting like that? Like panic.

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