Yes, I Forgive You. (Lapidot)

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Little bit of lemon, but not much.

-Lapis's POV-

I don't know why Peridot is so obsessed with me. She's trying a little too hard to gain my trust, and I didn't appreciate it. She tried giving me her recording device.

"I don't want your garbage!" I say as I crush it. She gets frustrated and says, "Ugh! I'm just trying to make you happy! What is it that you want?!" I glare at her and say, "I want you to leave!"
She stiffens up and then says, "Fine." and walks away.

"Lapis... She's really trying. Why don't you give her a chance instead of pushing her away right off the bat?" Steven says. I don't answer and just walk away.

Later that day, Peridot was being attacked by a ship, and couldn't hide from them. I decided to use my hydrokenisis to bring the ship down.

When that's done, she tries to walk away, still heeding my orders from before. "Peridot." I say. She freezes and turns around.
"Are you okay?" I ask her. She smiles brightly and all I could say was, "Um..." but then we had the Rubies to fight.

<time skip>

-Peridot's POV-

After the Rubies were defeated, I walked to one of the barns. I sat in a corner and thought about what happened.
Lapis protected me, but, does that mean she forgives me? I couldn't be sure.

I sigh and say to myself, "Why did I have to be such a clod? First I befriend and work with the enemy, and then fall in love with a Lazuli. I'm such a clod... Clod. Clod. Clod. Clo-"

"'Fell in love with'? You're... You're in love with me?" I hear a voice say. I look up sharply and my eyes get big and I blush. Lapis was standing in front of me with her hand curled up by her chest.

"Lazuli! Uh...! I didn't hear you walk in!" I say, very embarrassed. She stares at me in shock and my face heats up more.
"W-what are you looking at?!" I say, trying to hold my persona. Her face softens a little and she says, "Peridot... Is that why you cared so much about making me happy? Are you really in love with me?"

-Lapis's POV-

"T-tch..." was all she could say. I walk over to her and squat down to her level. "Hey, look at me." I tell her. She turns her head and I sit on my legs. I grab her chin with one of my hands and pull her face closer to mine.

I kiss her.

At first, she didn't react, but that's probably because she wasn't expecting it. She slowly kissed me back and I felt my gem start to glow. I open my eyes and pull away.
"H-hey... Get back here...!" Peridot protests. "Sorry... It's just, if I'd have continued, I think we would have fused..." I tell her.

"Wh...what?" She asks. I turn around to show her that my gem was glowing. She looks away for a minute, as if mentally debating something.
"Then let's continue. Fusion is the most intimate us gems can be, right?" she says.

-Peridot's POV-

I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. I'm going off of what I learned from the fusion Garnet.
"Yeah... I guess you're right. Then, if you're okay with it..." Lapis says. I nod and she kisses me again.

This time, I kiss back immediately. My gem starts feeling weird, and it makes me gasp. Lapis pulls away again and says, "Peri? What's the matter?"
"My gem feels weird..." I say while blushing. It didn't hurt or anything... It just felt weird.

She looks up and giggles. "Oh, yeah, I forgot; you've never fused before, huh?" she says. "What?" I say.
"Peri, your gem is glowing. It means you're able to fuse." She explains. I blush darker and just say, "Oh... Then... Continue..."

And we kiss for a third time. This time, she somehow stood me up and backed me into the wall. I was holding onto her shoulders and her hands were on my face and hip.
My body starts feeling tingly and when I open my eyes, I was bigger and a different color; me and Lapis had fused.

It felt like Lapis was holding me, and like she was in my arms at the same time. I look at our body in awe.
'Does this mean you forgive me?' I ask her telepathically. 'Yes, Peri. I forgive you.' she answers back.

I try moving our body. We were a teal color, had four arms, and our hair was light blue.
I wasn't used to having four arms, so I tried to get a hold of it. Lapis helped me and we eventually got out of the barn.

"Wanna go for a fly?" she says out loud. "Yeah!" I say back. We were literally talking to ourselves.
She summons her wings and takes off from the ground. "Woah!" I yell. Then I start to laugh. "This is great!" I yell as Lapis flies around the clouds.

We land near Steven's house where Garnet happens to be stargazing. She looks at us and her jaw drops. "Hello?" she says.

-Garnet's POV-

I was stargazing when a gem landed near me. She was only a little shorter than Opal in height, and she was flying with water wings; it was Lapis fused with someone.

"Hello?" I say to her. She looks at me surprised and says, "Sorry, Garnet! I didn't know you'd be out here this late..."
"May I ask who you are?" I ask out of curiosity. She thinks and says, "Oh yeah, I need a name... How about... Turquoise?" she finally says.

"Nice to meet you, Turquoise. So, how did you come along?" I ask her. She blushes and says, "Lapis and I kinda kissed... No, that's... I found out Peridot loved me... Shut up!" she says, blushing.
I laugh and say, "Okay, I think I get it. Peridot and Lapis fell in love, you kissed, and ended up fusing, right?" I review. Turquoise nods.

"Well, that's wonderful. I'm happy for you two." I tell her. I pat the grass as I sit down and she sits with me. We end up stargazing together.

I love this ship so much.

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