He rolled his eyes, "Whatever, Crazy."

I shut the door and stood a few yards down the road in front of the car. I gave the thumbs up and nodded when I was ready before squeezing my eyes shut and bracing for the impact. I felt it at first but then I felt nothing.



I slammed on the breaks right before hitting her, hoping maybe I'd stop because I actually didn't want to hit her. Instead, the car skidded and ran straight into her. I didn't feel anything bump so I didn't think I actually ran her over. I got out of the car after she slammed into the windshield and fell to the ground.

She looked like an even bigger mess than before as she laid sprawled out on the road. I fucking knew it was a bad idea but I knew she wasn't going to shut up about it. I knelt down beside her, taking off the flannel I had over my shirt and used it to elevate her head.

"Cooper," I called, patting her cheek with my hand. "Cooper, wake up."

There was no response. A couple seconds went by and she didn't wake up like she said she would.

"Cooper, c'mon, we need to get going." I told her.

I knew I hadn't hit her hard enough to kill her again -- she would've disappeared and reappeared on Calum's back porch -- but she still wasn't waking up and that scared me anyway.

"Cooper, please," I begged and waited for a response. I was really starting to get frantic. What if I had managed to do some sort of damage to her? She was a ghost but she could still get hurt. "Bridgette, this isn't funny, please get up."

My stomach was in fucking knots and it felt like I would throw up if I could. I knew I'd definitely done something to her. Maybe her insides were fucked up or she hit her head too hard and she was going to have brain damage or something. Could ghosts get brain damage? With Cooper's luck, probably.

"Fuck, Bridgette, please," my voice broke when I said "please". Her plan worked but at a terrible fucking cost. What if I actually hit her so hard that I managed to kill her kill her. What if she was really fucking dead now.

I scooped her up, not bothering to take my flannel, and went to lay her in the backseat of the car. I didn't want to call Ashton and tell her -- he'd have my ass -- but I didn't want to go into Luke's house to tell him, Calum, and Mrs. Hood that Bridgette wasn't just faking and that she might actually be completely gone.

I put the car in drive and drove as fast as I could to Hemmo's place. I parked the car, got out, and ran inside. I couldn't just run in with Bridgette's parents there as I carried her dead -- maybe more so than before -- body in my arms. I found the group sitting in the living room talking when I came in. Luke looked up first which made everyone else turn their heads my way.

"Michael?" Bridgette's mom sniffed. Her eyes were red and puffy and she was holding a tissue. "Are you okay?"

I felt the tears running down my face and Calum, Luke, and Mama Hood looked at me with real concern -- they knew I was a good liar but I wasn't this good, "I found Bridgette."

Mrs. Cooper put a hand to her mouth and Mr. Cooper stood immediately, "Where is she?"

"I found her on the side of the road," I tried to explain, the memory of her body hitting the car flooding into my head and just making me feel even worse. "I put her in the backseat of the car."

"I want to see her," Mrs. Cooper requested quietly. "I want to see my baby."

I didn't know what they'd done with Jeremy's body or if maybe he was still upstairs somewhere, so I didn't know what they planned on doing with Bridgette's once they'd seen her, "Luke, Cal, give me a hand?" They nodded and got up to follow me. Once we were outside, I quickly brought them to the car and turned to face them. "Is it possible to re-kill someone. Like, permanently."

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