Chapter 14

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About Trey
Chapter 14

"Too bad we already met..."

I watch from the living room as Trey walks out the front door. I sigh out loud, and take off my mask as my roommate, Sean, approaches me.

"Yo man, you aight?"

"Yeah man, I'm good. You ready to go?"

"Damn man already? We just got here. You sure?"

"Yeah man, I'm sure. I'm just not feeling this anymore."

"Man, what? You see all this ass runnin through here?"

"Yeah, but the ass I want just left. You comin or what?"

"Nah man, you go. I'll get an uber back to campus."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure....I'll call when I leave."

"Aight cool. Be careful bruh."

"See you at the dorm Kenny."

I dap my roommate up, grab my clothes, and head to my car. I don't even know why I came to this damn party. I just came with my roommate since he was so convinced I needed to get out and have a good time. When I walked inside, I already knew what the deal was, mainly because I've been to a few back home. I really didn't see anything that sparked my interest so I just had some drinks, watched, and walked around. When nothing was going on downstairs, I decided to see what's poppin upstairs. As I'm heading upstairs, I notice this guy going downstairs. His body was tight and the swag in his walk got my attention. As I got a closer look, I notice the mark on the left side of his stomach. Instantly, I had a feeling that was Trey. I've seen him with his shirt off before, and he has a birth mark on his the left side if his stomach. When I talked to him and heard his voice, I knew it was Trey. What the fuck was he doing here? I couldn't let him know it was me, so I kept my voice at a whisper to hide who I was. I changed my demeanor and become a completely different person. I'm surprised I was able to keep up the image and that Trey didn't catch on to it. I was a little upset that I saw him there, but I don't have a right to be. How can I confess my feelings for him, and then he finds me at a sex party? Nah, I'm not goin out like that. As I get back on campus, my phone rings. Look at the caller id and see Trey is calling.

"Wassup T?"

"Nothin much man. What are you up to?"

"Oh I was at a-"

Kenny what the fuck are you doing? Just as I stop myself from telling Trey where I was, I look down at the empty McDonald's bag on the floor.

"At McDonald's getting something to eat."

"At this hour?"

"Yeah man." I say as I laugh. "A nigga had the munchies, so I went to Mickey D's."

"You sound like me."

"Nah nigga....yo ass stay hungry. Where you at?"

This should be interesting.

"Oh, I'm just got back in my dorm. I was out with Marcus and his dude."

"Oh, where did y'all go?"

"We just went to go see a movie. I wanted to go see Think Like a Man 2, but they convinced me to see Transformers."

"Awww, well if you're a good little boy, I'll take you to go see it next weekend." I say as I laugh

"Whatever man....I'm bout to go shower and head to bed."

"Aight Tanisha....goodnight."

I hang up the phone and park my car in my usual spot. I gotta find a way to tell Trey it was me he was talking to at that sex party.

About Trey Where stories live. Discover now