Chapter 13

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About Trey
Chapter 13

"But my question to you is do you have  feelings for me?"

I sit back in my seat completely surprised at what he asked me. To be honest, I was afraid of this question. Would my answer fuck up our friendship? As I get lost in my thoughts, Kenny grabs my attention.



"Answer the question. Do you have some sort of feelings for me?"


"Just answer the question bruh, yes or no? I won't be mad at you."

"Well, honestly I'm not really sure."

"Awww ok....I see"

"So where do we go from here?"

"That's up to you play boy. Whatever decision you make, I'll support it. Ain't nothin gonna change between us. My feelings won't change."

"So we're still cool?"

"Of course'll come to terms with your feelings for me eventually."

"What was that bruh?"

"Nothing bruh..." Kenny says

"Oh....better not had said anything."

"And what if I did?"

"Kendra you already-"

Kenny interrupts my statement by throwing his biscuit at me, and stealing a few fries off my plate.

"Yeah shut yo punk ass up."

"Whatever nigga."

Kenny and I continue laughing and talking for another hour before leaving the cafe. I'm glad we had this talk and got everything clear. Hopefully I'll realize the feelings I may have for Kenny soon. I'm not trying to rush anything.


I spend my Saturday night in my dorm, sitting at my desk swamped with homework. As I get in the middle of it, Marcus comes rushing inside.

"Trey, What are you doing tonight?"

"Uhhhh, other than this homework, nothing. Why?"

"You wanna roll with me and my boyfriend to this party tonight?" Marcus asks 


"Uh uh. Don't even try to say no. Remember how you peer pressured me to go to that Theta party first semester?"

"Yeah, and you had a good time."

"I did, so now you owe me."

"I guess you're right. What time does it start?"

"It started at 11, but people start showing up at midnight."

"Bruh, it's midnight right now!" I say as I laugh

"Exactly, so get dressed and let's go. Wear something uncomfortable."

"Aight, I guess I'll finish this up in the morning."

I close my books, take a quick shower, and prepare myself for the party. I made sure not to dress too flashy, so I just kept it simple. Marcus's boyfriend picks us up, and we head off campus.

"Soooo what kind of party is this?"

"Don't worry, you of all people would enjoy this." Marcus says as he laughs

"What are you trying to say?"

"Nothing man. Just shut up and enjoy the ride."

I listen to Marcus, and sit back and ride. After riding around for 30 minutes, we finally arrive at a two story house. I see a few cars parked outside, but there's no one outside. I don't hear any music blaring from inside the house. Call me weird, but that's the typical shit I would expect to see at a house party right? I'm getting a little skeptical, but since I'm here, might as well see what's good. We step out the car and approach the door. Marcus knocks on the door, and a guy opens it up and lets us inside. I stand in the back while Marcus, his boyfriend, and the other guy talk to each other. A few minutes later, Marcus and his boyfriend strip out their clothes, and down to their underwear. I stare at them confused, while Marcus gives me a gesture to do the same. I shrug my shoulders and strip down to my boxer briefs, and leave my Jordan's on. The guy approaches me with different colored neon bands and masquerade masks. Marcus takes a red one and his boyfriend takes a blue one.

About Trey Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon