Sugar Were Going Down

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Jared wasn't going to accept this.
He'd finally been able to shake himself off and stop crying. Because he was wasting time. Time that could be spent saving Evan.
Which was exactly what he was planning on doing.
How exactly he was going to accomplish this he had no idea but he would figure something out.
He'd managed to move Evan's body out from the middle of the field and had set it under the shade of a tree. Then he'd hurried back to his car.
Oh how he wished Connor were here he'd know what to do.
He drove down the road not even caring about school at the moment the only thing on his mind was Evan.
More importantly what could he do I mean he couldn't just raise him from the dead.
He pulled up in front of the school with an idea.
Maybe if Connor couldn't help him then Heather could.
The bell had rang long ago and now everyone was tucked inside their classroom's and for once the hallway was empty.
Quickly Jared hurried over to Connors old locker though it was now occupied by another student but if he could remember the secret code that Connor had used he was sure he could get to Heather's office.
He experimentaly twisted the dial a few times trying to jog his memory.
6 left
9 right
4 left
2 right
Then go back to 0.
The lock clicked and opened in his hand.
He carefully pulled it out of it's place and put his hand on the knob.
He pushed it down praying for the best and then opened it.
A shining red door greeted him. Sparkly gold letters informed him that it led to the office of Ms. Heather Chandler.
Excitedly he yanked it open and stepped inside.
He calmed down a little when he stepped into the familiar office and saw Kurt and Ram eating a pizza at a table in the corner.
Heather was at her desk reading a fashion magazine.
Her eyes flashed to him for a moment before going back to her page. Then they flashed back.
"JARED!" She yelled jumping out of her chair and rushing over to throw her arms around him.
"Oh Jared I'm so sorry I heard about Evan."
She pulled away concern painted across her face.
"How are you doing?"
Jared shrugged and Heather led him over to her couch.
"Do you wanna talk about it because we're here for you if you do."
She turned to Kurt and Ram who were to busy stuffing themselves with garlic bread to notice the conversation.
Heather rolled her eyes and turned back to Jared.
"No I'm not here to talk I'm here because I need your help."
"What is it Jared?" Heather asked.
"I need to save Evan." He said. "I need to stop this from happening."
"Oh darling." Heather cooed sympathetically patting his shoulder.
"It's beyond our power to bring people back from the dead." She looked thoughtful for a moment.
"Why the only way to undo what's been done is to go back in time." She started giggling.
"But who in their right mind would ever do that?!"
"Wait Heather back up are you saying that there is an actual way for me to go back in time?"
"Oh yeah." Heather answered offhandedly. "There's this stopwatch in my desk you just set it to the time you want to go and poof."
She clapped her hands once.
"Your there."
"Do you think I could see it?" Jared asked.
"Sure." Heather gestured in the direction of her desk.
"1st drawer on the left side it's a gold watch can't miss it."
Jared strode over and opened the named drawer.
He knocked aside a tube of lipstick several broken pens and a half a stick of peanut brittle before he found it.
He picked up the shining object want polished it's surface on his shirt.
He popped the cover and instead of a watch face there were the words.
He sat down opposite Heather on the couch.
"So this is a time travel device?" He asked pretending to examine it when really he was punching in a date.
"Yep don't really use it much the fabric of time is to fragile to be messing with everything happens for a reason you know. You have to be very careful with that kind of power why you could destroy the whole universe."
"So you have used it before?" Jared asked.
"A few times." Heather admitted.
"For stupid things. Kurt and Ram wanted to watch the first Super Bowl. I got to go to a Vogue fashion show 6 years before it premiered that sort of thing."
"And it works fine?"
"Perfectly fine but like I said the big man doesn't really like it when we use it he doesn't want anything to get screwed up." She gestured above her head.
"You mean God?" Jared asked.
Heather only nodded.
Jared spun the dials a few more times all he needed was for Heather to be occupied just a little longer.
"So Heather when do you and the guys become angels?" Jared asked.
Kurt and Ram stopped eating and looked to Heather for an answer.
Heather sighed heavily as she pushed herself off the couch and stretched.
"To be honest I don't know if we're ever going to be allowed to leave here and move on to eternal paradise. We kind of serve as the messengers between the afterlife's.
"Malik called you Martrys." Jared remembered.
Heather nodded. "Messengers of Angels." She spoke softly almost as if she were reciting a phrase she learned long ago.
"In ancient times we were considered holy and wise for knowing the secrets of magic beasts. But of course the Martyrs back then weren't dead they were wise men and women who had been chosen to deliver messages between creatures. People would come near and far to ask for help in keeping away evil spirits and how to keep good ones from leaving."
She reached into the bottom drawer of her desk and pulled out the same thick book she walked back over to the couch and began leafing through it.
Jareds fingers flew on the watch trying to make it work.
"Here's what they would've looked like back then." Heather turned the book towards Jared.
It was a crude drawing of a red haired woman it looked as if the person who had sketched it was in a hurry.
Her long hair was flowing behind her and she was wearing full body armor. On her back were small feathered wings and she carried a long sword.
"As centuries passed some of those who were not chosen began to grow envious towards the Martrys. Their houses were burned their churches destroyed and they were slaughtered. An angel saw what was happening and put a stop to it taking all of the Martyrs souls with it vowing that they would never walk the earth again."
She flipped the page and an elaborate drawing of a dark skinned man with wings and flowing robes could be seen holding a cup in one hand and a dagger in the other.
"Eazial." Heather whispered touching the face.
"What does the knife and cup mean again?" Ram asked. "I always forget."
Heather sighed again this one seemed to be out of annoyance.
"They represent the two very different sides of mankind." She spoke like a tour guide who'd given the same speech 20 times before.
"The cup represents giving. Compassion, Kindness, Love, Acceptance. The knife represent taking. Death, Suffering, Evil and well you get the idea."
She closed the book and laid it on the couch next to her.
"So is that why you guys are here? You were chosen?"
Heather shook her head. "I wish." She murmured. "No as you already know we we're murdered and this is just a part of purgatory there are other departments. We run this one because we died before we could find our soul mates."
She tossed the heavy book onto the coffee table. "But enough with all the depressing stuff. Any other ideas Jared?"
Jared pressed his finger to the go button.
"Yeah just one but I'm probably gonna mess it up."
"Jared NO!" Heather was rising to her feet but Jared was already running.
"I'm sorry! I'll explain to your boss!" He yelled before pushing the button and being plunged into blackness.
Jared was in his bed the pocket watch was gripped tightly in his fist.
He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up quickly.
He had to get to Evan.
He left on the shirt he slept in and pulled on a pair of jeans before racing downstairs.
Evan's mom was leaving for her appointment. She kissed him on the head and closed the door.
Jared arrived seconds after Heidi left. Again he left his car running as raced up the driveway.
"EVAN!" He yelled pounding on the door.
Evan bit his lip as he stood. He hated Jared he didn't want to see him didn't want to talk to him didn't want anything to do with him.
Jared after getting no response dashed around to the side of the house just in time to see Evan's bike roll out the back gate.
"EVAN WAIT!" He yelled but it was too late.
As fast as was humanely possible Jared raced past the house into his car and down the road.
The watch was still hanging from the rearview.
"Please don't be to late." He prayed as he drove.
"I know I disobeyed a lot of rules but please."
He drove faster.
"You lost it?" The angel asked again.
Heather stood in front of her desk.
Her blonde hair pulled into a sloppy ponytail. She wore blue jeans and a red top.
"Honestly Henoua it was here yesterday I remember because I saw it when I was looking for a pen."
"How do you lose a very important object that allows you to travel through time?"
Heather shrugged.
The angel combed her fingers through her bangs.
Angels were technically supposed to be holy and good but some weren't so much. Especially those who had to come into purgatory and speak to Heather Chandler who most times wasn't so nice herself.
Henoua looked over at the angel that had come with her. He was currently throwing a football around with Kurt and Ram.
"Rakeiet help me here!" She whispered shouted.
He ignored her.
"Look I honestly don't know where it is!" Heather said again.
Henoua scratched her chin. "Well my thought would be that it was stolen by someone and they used it which is why you can't remember."
"Well who would do that?" Heather asked.
Suddenly the phone atop Heather's desk began ringing. Gingerly she walked over and picked it up.
"Hello?" She said into the receiver.
"THE HANSEN BOY IS ALIVE!" A roaring voice spoke on the other hand.
"Eazial." Heather tried to sound friendly. "Buddy how are ya?"
"Evan was standing in the hall of judgement. Before we could finish his soul dissapeared. When I checked his records it is shown that he's alive."
Heather went pale she knew who had stolen the watch.
"What should I do then?" She asked.
"Get Connor tell him to fix it."
"Connor is currently getting tortured in hell sir."
The line was silent.
"Then you figure it out." Without another word the angel hung up.
Jared pulled up behind Evan's bike. He jumped over the fence and took off running he was not going to to be to late.
"EVAN! EVAN WHERE ARE YOU!" He shouted as he ran towards the tree.
Evan had barley pulled himself onto the first branch as Jared broke into the clearing.
"EVAN!" He was so happy to see him alive.
Evan however just started climbing faster.
"EVAN WAIT STOP!" He tore across the grass and began climbing the tree after him.
"Evan stop!" He pleaded out of breath as he climbed.
Evan didn't answer and he was getting closer and closer to the big branch at the top.
Jared's fingers brushed against it as Evan stood up and jumped
Without even thinking Jared threw himself forward grabbing Evan under his arms. He twisted his legs around a branch so he wouldn't fall.
"Let go of me!" Evan fought his grasp. Jared painfully twisted his fingers together and held on tighter.
"Evan stop!" He kept saying in his ear but he still thrashed.
Jared tried to keep his grip tight but with all of Evan's moving he was slipping.
One of his arms slipped and Jared grabbed feebly at his wrist.
"Evan please!" Jared was sobbed his legs hurt as well.
"Let it happen!" A voice hissed from another tree.
Jared squinted into the sun and spotted the shape of a winged demon perched in the branches and then he saw another and another and another.
"What are you doing here your not allowed to hurt mortals!" Jared yelled trying to sound brave.
"In our own domain!" Another demon cackled. "Your world is fair game."
"What do you want!" He asked.
Thankfully Evan was no longer fighting him.
"Our master Lucifer has just informed us that, that stupid Martyr Connor Murphy was taken out of hell."
The demon rubbed their bony claws together.
"Which means we still need payment." They rose into the air and dived towards them.
"Connor HELP!" Jared yelled without thinking.
The demons flew closer.
Jared got a good grip on Evan and closed his eyes.
A demon screamed and Jared opened his eyes.
One of the demons had vaporized into thin air.
Jared looked around for the cause.
Down upon the ground Jared saw a shape dressed in body armor.
He recognized that blonde hair...
"Heather?" Jared called down to her.
She turned around there was a bow in her hand and a quiver full of arrows on her back.
"Kill the girl!" The head demon screamed.
"I am no girl I am a Martyr." She then saluted Jared before firing another arrow.
"Brave isn't she?"
Jared looked up and almost cried.
Connor floated in the air a foot over his head.
"Connor god I'm glad your ok you won't believe....."
"I'm already well aware of what's been going on since I've been gone." Connor interrupted. "And you were very stupid to steal Heather's watch."
"Yeah but.."
"This is dangerous Jared I mean look around you. Heather had me escorted out to find you and now you've set these demons free."
"Well if you could help us down then I could explain...."
"Jared only one of you is supposed to get out of this tree alive." Connor said.
Jared looked down at the limp blonde boy who had fallen unconscious.
"Connor no." Jared spoke firmly. His throat hurt.
"That's how it's written out Jared I already messed up your life once I have to just let this play out."
"Connor you CANT! PLEASE!" Jared was begging now.
"I'll do anything absolutely anything."
Connor didn't respond.
Heather was on the ground battling two of the demons a third took advantage of her distraction to head towards the boys.
"Connor look out!" Jared shouted but the demon didn't even look at him it flew straight for Evan and grabbed his legs.
"NO!" Jared tightened his grip on Evan's arms.
"Connor please save him!" Jared begged as the demon fought against him.
The boy turned away.
"Connor change his fate! Save him!! Don't kill him take me instead!!!" At these words Connor paused.
"What?" He asked.
"Take my soul instead of his!" Jared repeated.
"NO!" A high pitched screech sounded behind them and another demon lunged for Connor. The boy screamed and Heather looked up.
Three things happened at once.
The demon that had been pulling Evan's legs yanked him out of the tree.
Heather jumped onto the back of the demon that had grabbed Connor.
And Connor tossed his notebook to Jared.
As the demon lifted Evan away Jared quickly flipped through the pages finding his and Evan's he scribbled out Evan's death by collision.
The demons dissapeared and Evan floated safely to the ground.
Connor helped Jared down from the tree.
"Where's Heather?" Jared asked once he was safely on the ground.
"She was amazing."
Connor gestured over to a shape curled up on the ground. Heather was laying in a fetal position her hands over her stomach where a demon had pierced her with one of it's thick claws through the armor. Blood spilled through her fingers.
"Heather no." Jared whispered pushing away her bloodstained hair.
The girl opened her eyes. "Kurt and Ram." She whispered.
"Will be fine I'll make sure of it." Connor promised kneeling down beside her.
She reached up and touched his face. "Ivellise." She whispered. Connor put his hand over hers and closed his eyes.
Heather turned to Jared.
"Not an angel." She whispered smiling a little.
"Of course you are." Jared spoke past the lump in his throat.
"Jared remember Evan is...."
But Jared never got to find out what Evan was because Heather's hand slipped from Connors face and she closed her eyes.
No sooner had that happened then an angel appeared before them.
"I came as soon as I felt..." Then his eyes landed on Heather and he fell silent.
Connor and Evan moved out of the way as he knelt beside her.
"What happened?" He whispered touching her forehead.
"She saved us." Jared sniffed. "She killed the demons and saved us. She was so brave."
Eazial smiled at this and closed his eyes as put his palm over her forehead.
"I will see you in paradise good and faithful servant of the Lord." He opened his eyes and smiled. "Go in peace and thank you Heather."
Then he picked up her body before turning to Connor.
"This is your mess Murphy fix it!"
Connor nodded as he dissapeared and Jared's eyes found Evan's unconscious body.
"What was that thing that Heather told you?" Jared asked.
Connor kept his hands in his pockets and his head down.
"Ivellise." He whispered.
"What does that mean?" Jared asked carefully not wanting to upset him.
"It's Spanish."
"Spanish for what?"
Connor looked up.

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