The Aftermath

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As soon as Castiel had walked out the Winchester's front door Dean felt like his heart would literally snap into a million pieces. He couldn't help but wonder why Castiel had run off. Then he remembered the post-it that Cas had left on the door.

Dean cautiously walked over to the entrance of his home, the door still hung slightly open. He glanced up at the bright yellow post-it note. His fingers plucked it off of the door and he read it- Dean, I am so sorry. If you would let me explain myself, my phone number follows: 555-221-3326

It was then that Dean realized, he was a heterosexual man with an enormous crush on a gay guy he had just met. Never in his life did he ever think that this sort of thing would happen. Maybe it's just a phase he told himself.

It took Dean a long while to muster up the courage to call Castiel. He had his doubts that Castiel would even answer.

Dean pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed the number. After 4 rings the call was answered.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end didn't sound like Castiel.

"Hi... Is Cas there?" Dean questioned.

"Depends on who's asking," the voice stated.

"It's Dean Winchester,"

"Ah, Dean. My brother just returned from your house weeping. Care to explain?"

"Wait, he's crying?!" Dean began to worry.

"Yes, he is. Now either explain or I'm going to hang up the phone,"

"Look, I don't even know what happened really. He walked out and left a note on my door with this number. Who is this anyway?"

"I'm Gabriel, Castiel's brother," Gabriel explained, "Why do I get the feeling there's something you aren't telling me?"

"Because I'm not sure if Cas would want me saying it,"

"Oh go right ahead. Me and Cas are pretty open to each other about things," Gabriel pressed.

"No, I won't say anything without his permission,"

"Then I'll hang up right now,"

"Will you at least let me talk to him? He's my b- ...Friend. I need to know if he's okay,"

"Tell you what, I'll have him call you back when he's finished crying,"

"Okay fine. Can you just make sure he's okay for me?"

"Mhmm," Gabriel mumbles in reply.

"Thank you," Dean says then hangs up.


Castiel was angry, so extremely angry. But at who? He can't possibly be angry at Dean, for he didn't do anything wrong! Was he angry at himself? Of course. But why? Because he had just kissed Dean Winchester. Castiel gets bombarded by his own thoughts- most of them telling him that he had messed up, and bad.

"UGH," Castiel shrieks and slams his car door shut.

Castiel steps on to his lawn and ruffles his hair. He sits down on the grass and replays the events that had happened earlier. He remembers hearing Dean saying he was bisexual. He remembers not being able to think. He remembers kissing Dean. He remembers everything. He can't help but let a tear slip. And as one tear slips, so falls another. And another. And another.

Soon enough, Castiel is bawling. He had made a fool of himself. He thinks about whether or not to go inside and bother Gabriel and Sam and decided it's probably better not to. After about half an hour of sitting weeping in the grass, Castiel decides to go inside.

"Castiel?! What's wrong?" Gabriel questioned, worry in his voice.

"I really, really don't want to talk about it," Castiel let more tears fall from his face.

"Are you sure? I can have Sam leave and we can talk if you want," Gabriel insisted.

"No, you two do whatever. I'm fine,"

"No, you're obviously not fine. Now what happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it!" Castiel screamed and stormed into his room.

Sam glanced at Gabriel and saw pure anger. Was he angry at Dean? What could Dean have done?

"Should I.. Go?" Sam questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah probably. I'll text you, okay?"


And with that Sam strode out the front door and walked home.

A.N: Thank you guys do much for 1K reads! This is like a dream come true, really. Comment here if you have any suggestions for the 1K celebration chapter!!! Also, with school and my horrible wifi connection it will be taking a while to update. Maybe a week and a half gap? I don't exactly know. But anyways, thank you again for 1K reads!! I love you all!

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