The First Day

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I park Baby by the school and walk Sammy in. We walk to his first class then part ways. My first class happens to be Science. Since I walked Sammy to his class, I walked into science a few minutes late.

The teacher, Mr. MacLeod glared at me as I searched for a seat. There was this guy siting alone at a table in the back reading. I don't know why, but something about him intrigued me. I walked up to the trench coated boy and sat down across from him. He let out a mumble that told me he was not pleased with my seating choice. I was about to get up and move when Mr. MacLeod began to speak

"You must be Dean Winchester."

"In the flesh." I chuckled

"Funny guy. Save it for an appropriate time."

Well isn't he just a bundle of sunshine? Mr. MacLeod ordered that everyone take out their notebooks and take notes on the following video. The trench coated boy, along with everyone else in the classroom did as they were told. I glanced over at the boy's notebook and saw it had a name on it. Castiel. That's quite an odd name...

The boy, Castiel, catches me looking at his notebook. He glanced at me, a confused look on his face.

"Why are you looking at my notebook?" He questions.

"I don't know my eyes just drifted over to it. Is Castiel your name?"

"Yes it is" he replies.

"Interesting name"

We sit in silence taking notes on the video. When I know that Castiel isn't looking, I take a glance at him. I inhale quickly when I notice his dazzling blue eyes. I must have been staring because Mr. MacLeod faked a cough and gave me a silent reminder to take notes. I took one last glance at Castiel and see he's sketching a man that looks just a bit younger than us.

Oh great, that's probably his boyfriend. Or his brother? Hopefully just his brother. Why should this bother me? I'm not gay. I'm about as straight as a ruler! But those eyes, I could just stare at them forever. I decide to try and get him of my mind and actually take notes for the rest of class.


Dean walked me to my class and made it clear that if anyone bothers me he would rip out their intestines. Same old overprotective Dean.

The first bell rings and students begin flooding into the classroom. This one girl, Charlie, that I knew from when I was younger spotted me and screeched.



"Yeah it's me! Holy shit you've gotten tall!"

"Haha yeah I guess! I didn't know you still went to this school!"

"Well, I do. And looks like you're gonna have to be my friend whether you like it or not because I've missed you and I want to know where you've been." She rambled on about what I've missed and then finally stated "Oh and Sam... I'm not quite sure what you're going to think of me when I tell you this but..."

"But what, Charlie?"

"Let's just say that I'm about as straight as a rainbow slinky"

"Oh cool" I stated nervously.

I've known that I'm gay since I was about 14. Never told anyone, not even Dean. I didn't know how he would react to something like that. Should I tell Charlie? She was the one person that I could tell anything and everything to when we were younger.

"Charlie... I need to tell you something after school. Can you come over?"

"Yeah dude totally!"

The second bell rings and everyone takes their seats. Charlie's happened to be on my left. To my right, I catch a glimpse of a very good looking guy. He turns around and we make eye contact. His face begins to heat up and it's just adorable! Okay Sam, calm down. You don't even know him. He could be a jerk.

I turn to my left. "Charlie. I need to tell you that thing. Now."

"Okay, Sam just meet me in the hallway in a few minutes. By the way you sound I can tell you don't want anyone else hearing this."

"Thanks, Charlie."

Charlie gets up and walks over to our teacher, Mrs. Mills. After a few seconds and a head nod, Charlie was out the door. A couple minutes later I got up and asked Mrs. Mills if I could use the restroom. She nodded her head dismissing me. I walked out of the room and found Charlie leaning against a locker.

"So what's this you gotta tell me Sam?"

"Uh well..." I begin.

"If this is about you being gay, I already know."

"WHAT?! HOW?!!!"

"I saw the way you looked at Gabe"

"So that's his name!"

"Yup. And lucky for you he's bisexual" Charlie smirks and a smile plays at he edge of my mouth.

A teacher walks by and tells us to get to class. Charlie walks in first and around a minute later I do, so we don't raise suspicion.


I walk in on the first day of school feeling hopeless that I'm going to find any friends. This is my first year at public school in my life. My father used to homeschool me but this year he's been pretty rough on himself. My mother was stabbed to death on a walk in the park one night and after that, my father turned to drinking. He would beat me when my brother was not at the house. When my my brother found out about this, he had me pack my bags and we moved to Lawrence, Kansas. We go to the high school there now and today, of course, is the first day.

I walk into my first class and ask the teacher, Mrs. Mills, where I should sit. She points to a seat two away from this girl, Charlie, that I had met on the way in. I don't know why but she seemed like a person I could trust. When we had started talking earlier we got into detail about our lives. I told her about my mother and father, she told me about hers. When she mentioned her sexual orientation of course I did too, because when one of us spoke of something the other told their side of it. She seemed so trustworthy.

I went and sat down in the seat assigned to me. For some reason I feel someone watching me so I turn around. I see this attractive boy looking at me and I can feel my face getting beet red. I turn my face away in hopes he didn't notice. But he did. Great, just great. The one guy that actually seems genuinely nice in this school (not to mention he's friends with Charlie) now thinks I am a total freak.

He turns to talk to Charlie and she just nods her head as he's talking. I can't understand what the boy is saying, but I can hear Charlie's reply. "Okay, Sam just meet me in the hallway in a few minutes. By the way you sound I can tell you don't want anyone else hearing this." So his name was Sam. He's good friends with Charlie. Right after he sees me blushing he wants to tell Charlie something! I don't know if that is good or bad...


After class I walk up to Gabe.


"Huh?" He replies weakly.

"I think someone likes you!!"

"Really? Who?"

"Can't tell. It's a secret" I say with a mischievous smirk on my face.

"Hmm well that sure helps me."

"Oh sorry. Here's a hint: he'll be at my house tonight if you agree to come."

"Seriously?" He asks taking out a lollipop.


"Okay I'll go. I just need your address."

"Do you have a pen and paper?"

"Yeah" Gabe hands me a pad of paper and a pen.

I write it down and hand it back to him while saying goodbye.

"Bye Gabe! See ya tonight."

"See ya Charlie"

~~~~~[VOTE VOTE VOTE]~~~~~

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