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Back in class with the sex haired, tench coated Castiel. God damnit his eyes are keeping me from paying attention at all. Those electric blue eyes give me butterflies more and more every time I glance at them.

No Dean you're not gay.

Yes Dean you are.

No I like girls.

But Cas is a sex god.

Cas... That nickname has a good ring to it. More casual than Castiel. Maybe if I say "Cas" when asking for his number I won't sound so needy...

Our teacher stops speaking and exits the room. Everyone takes out textbooks and copy down some notes. I of course have no idea what is going on, so I find this an appropriate time to talk to Cas.

"Uh, Cas?"


I take out my textbook and copy down some notes to use on the project. I can't shake the feeling that I'm being watched. Suddenly I hear a voice - Dean's voice.

"Uh, Cas?"

"Hmm" I reply trying to keep my face from heating up.

Sure, I realized I'm gay a few years ago, but Dean is... odd. He's attractive, he seems nice, and he's obviously straight. But I catch him staring at me so much!

"Did you catch any of that because I got distracted.."

"Umm yeah here I'll show you what to do for the project."

"Wait, this is a project?!" Everyone in the room stated at him like he was absolutely mad. It sounded like he had yelled that at the top of his lungs.

"Yeah were supposed to find partners and build a model of the Eiffel Tower."

"Oh... So do you have a partner already or..."

Did he just ask me, Castiel Novak, to be his partner? It's just a partner for a project but still! Damn it Castiel you sound like a teenage girl meeting her celebrity crush.

"I just so happen to not have a partner."

"So do you want to be my partner?"

"Yes of course!!" I may have said that a bit too enthusiastically...

"Wow someone's excited."

"Sorry it's just that no one really ever wants to be my partner."

"And why is that?"

I stayed silent for a moment. Should I tell him? Someone else has surely already informed him that I'm gay, right? This shouldn't be hard at all. I muster up the courage I have and say it.

"Because... I'm gay."


Yes! I knew it I knew it I knew it! Maybe I have the slightest chance at him!

No Dean you're straight.
You know what brain? Shut up. Were settling for bisexual.

"Cas, who would give a rats ass if you're gay or not?"

"A lot of people."

"Well fuck them and their homophobia."

Cas tilted his head confused.
"Dean why would I have sex with them?"

"No I didn't mean it like that!"
I can't hold in my laughter like this. I just can't. I explode into a fit of laughter and Cas just watches me confused.

"Then how did you mean it?"

"I meant it in a 'They should go to hell' kind of way"

"Oh. Okay."

The bell rings and we begin to walk out of class.

"So what's the word Cas"

"It's a shortened version of my name."

"No, I mean- ugh nevermind."

"Dean what is it?"

"Umm do you wanna come over after school so we can work on this project?"

Castiel's face turned beet red.
"Oh. Umm yeah that sounds great!"

"Not to make you feel embarrassed, but you look like a tomato at the moment"

Castiel just laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"So, see you after school?"

"Yeah. Here's my number. You know, in case you can't find my house."

I grab a pen and write down the digits one by one.

"Don't loose it!"

"Wouldn't dream of it, Winchester."


Today's the day I have absolutely no classes with Gabe. Isn't this just great?

Last night me and Gabe decided on times to meet in the bathrooms. Only 3 minutes left until our first meeting so I should probably get going.

I arrive at the bathrooms and find Gabe leaning against the wall.

"Hey Sammy"

"Hellooo Gabe" I say smirking.

Gabe pushes off the wall and grabs me by the belt loops. I allow him to drag me forward into his arms, our crotches rubbing against each other. This makes me suppress a slight moan.

"Gabe you know we can't do this now, were in a school bathroom."

"Yes I'm aware. But who says we can't have the slightest bit of fun in this prison?"

"I guess no one" I giggle and peck Gabe on the cheek.

"Oh why stop there Samsquatch?"

"I don't know why don't you tell me?"

"Enough with the teasing Sammy lets get to the good stuff"

"How about... After school. Your place? We can have as much fun as you want."

I smirk, satisfied with my plan.

"But I just can't wait that long!"

"Then here's a little gift to get you through the day"

I slam my lips into Gabe's, earning a smirk from him.

We reluctantly pull apart.

"Gotta get back to class Sammy"

Gabe winks and spins on his heels. He strides out of the bathroom and I watch him as we continues down the hall.

I should probably get back to class too...

Author's Note:
Just a little something I threw together in the car today :)
No editing done so I might come back and edit this a bit later. Sorry if there's any spelling errors- typing on a phone in the car can be a pain.

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