Chapter 1

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As I walked through the park of New York,

I tightened my scarf and fixed my leather jacket. It was winter. And I was waiting to get a new case. I found the La Cafe' Coffee, an ran inside. "A small cup of coffee to go please," I said "and a newspaper."

The cashier gave me a quarter for the newspaper machine as I walked outside and took a newspaper while waiting for my coffee.

"Here you go. Five twenty nine please." I looked up at her. "Five twenty nine? It costs like a penny for coffee here!" She glared at me which meant give me money now or get kicked out. So a grabbed my coffee and paid.-------- as I skipped through the newspaper, I found something that caught my eye. Jamie Good found dead in a subway with no blood left.

now that sounds scary.

I grab my phone and call my sister, Maggie.

"Guess what mags, I got a good one" I said

"Ok where is it?"

"The subway of New York park."

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