Peter Parker Vs The Home

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When school let out, Peter was running from Flash. On any other day, Peter would have let flash beat him up. Not today, he couldn't visit them with the bruises or split lips. Peter ran all the way to the place he knew all too well, only halting his journey for whatever flowers he could afford with the little money he had left. He stopped when he reached the graves. His family's graves, his parents, Uncle Ben, and Aunt May. It had been four years since Aunt May, his last living relative had passed away, leaving Peter all alone. He told his family his family what had happened the past few days since he last visited.

BEEP>BEEP>BEEP. Peter sighed knowing that sound all too well now and knowing he had to leave soon or face the wrath that comes with being late. Saying his goodbye Peter grabbed his backpack and ran having less than 5 minutes to get across town. He was four minutes away and has only 1 minute before his curfew. Weaving through traffic, Peter hadn't sensed the white Audi coming him way until it stopped inches from him. Peter quickly apologized and ran off knowing he was late. The minute Peter stepped through the door, he was met with the woman who ran the "Home".

"Peter!!!!" Ms.Grandle screeched, making her way to the boy and slapping him harshly in the face. "Your late, Hurry up and get in the community room. We have potential adopters coming today, so be on your best behavior." she spit to him walking away to prep herself for visitors. Peter smiled as he entered the community room, seeing the younger children playing happily with the toys. He was happy that one of them would go to a happy family, knowing that no person would want to adopt a 16 year old. He walked to the windowsill and sat, grabbing the book he got for christmas 2 years ago, Bruce Banner's book on gamma radiation.


Tony and Pepper were on the was to the Adoption agency, hoping to find a child to join the family. The New York traffic was finally clearing up, their nerves building as they were only a few minutes out for the building. When the light light changed to green Tony eased onto the gas no seeing the teen weaving through traffic. Slamming on the brakes as the boy passed into the path of the car. With quick apologies he ran off, leaving the two concerned if the boy as alright. Continuing to the agency, they parked in the lot and walked into the small building.

When they entered the were greeted by a woman who, in Tony's opinion had way to much makeup on, "Hello Mr and Mrs Stark. The children are playing in the common room." Walking the two to a larger room filled with children of ranging age of 4-16. When they entered they were introduced and left to chat with the children.

A loud cry was heard as a little girl ran to the boy the couple hadn't noticed sitting in the windowsill, who was now hugging the girl and asking what happened."Tony, that's the boy that ran in front of the car on the way here," Pepper whisper to Tony as they focused their attention on the boy. "I cut my hand," she managed to get out between sobs. "I have just what you need for that, Talia." the boy responded while digging through his bag. He cleaned her hand and put a bandaid over the cut. "Tada, It will feel all better now." he said as the little girl thanked him and ran off to play.


Peter heard Ms.Grandle enter, but ignored the couple knowing that no one want a 16 year old. He continue re-reading his book until Talia ran up to him crying. "What happened?" Peter asked, sure that the old hag wouldn't try anything with potential adopters around. "I cut my hand," she managed to get out between sobs. "I have just what you need for that, Talia." Peter responded while digging through his bag. He cleaned her hand and put a bandaid over the cut. "Tada, It will feel all better now." he responded with a happy tone as the little Talia thanked him and ran off to play.

Returning to his book, Peter paid a bit more attention to the other kids. He didn't want them to get in trouble with Ms. Grandle, but if it did happen he would take the punishment. Now daring to glance at the couple, he noticed them looking in his direction and getting up to talk with the boy. He pretended not to notice and placed his eyes back on the book.

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