something relevant.

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Today, I'm auditioning for a role in a tv show. Well, I'm ignoring Andy for 3 days now and I'm doing a pretty good job so far. I don't hang around in my apartment so much though. He has been showing up at my door for 2 days in a row, so I decided to get up and get a job quickly so I don't get in a depression again.

The main hall of NBC is huge and a quite long line extends outside the audition room of the show Parks and Recreation. There is a reasonable number of young girls and they are probably auditioning for the same role as me: Andy Dwyer's ex-girlfriend. I've been watching the show for a time now and... I really need something to clear up my mind and focus on something relevant.

The line narrowed to three girls and me. Some of them walked out crying, and others went out sobbing. After two girls, I am going in there, but probably I'm gonna walk out just like the previous girls.

After some minutes sitting in this awful stool, a man calls my name. The supervisor at the door checks my name tag and ID before letting me in. The studio is a bit dark. There is a white screen on the wall where a bright light shines towards it. A table with three women sitting in yellow stools face the screen and I quickly go in front of them. Chris Pratt himself is sitting in a wooden chair next to the table with my picture and a copy of my file.

"Your resume, please." One of them says.

I hand them my two-paper document, hoping they won't mind the marks of my sweaty hands. They spend almost three minutes reading my resume, before remembering that I'm standing in front of them. Please go on.

I start my line. "I missed you Andy. I missed you so much, I know we lost touch since... you know, we broke up. But I'm willing to make it up to you."

"Wait a minute." Chris says, putting all the papers on the table. He walks towards me. "Let's do this again, shall we?"

Oh my god, I can't freaking believe it. Keep it cool.

"I missed you Andy. I missed you so much, I know we lost touch since... you know, we broke up. But I'm willing to make it up to you." I touch his chest so I can show them I'm taking this seriously. With a touch of humor, of course.

"Karoll, we broke up. I'm hanging with someone else now." This is not in the script. What am I going to do now? Improvise? No.

I'm gonna improvise.

"Andy, don't be stupid, you know you love me. I'm the only one who can stand you brushing your dog's teeth with your own toothbrush." The three women chuckle for a moment. I can't believe I made them laugh. Keep doin' it.

"Tonight, my house, 8 o'clock. What do you say?"

"I'm seeing someone else. And I don't wanna live in hell for the second time with you. I can't stand you chewing your food like a cow."

"You said you didn't care, you said it was kinda sweet."

"Hell no Karoll, since when dating a cow is sweet? You are overprotective."

"You know I take care of people I love." I say embracing his neck in my arms.

"Take your devilish arms off me, Devil Karoll." He says, embracing this improvisation thing. I want to smile, but I have to stay in the character.

The three women laugh again. One with the green coat interrupts us.

"I loved it. You guys have chemistry. [Y/F/N], you'll be Andy's ex-girlfriend.

I open a huge smile. Chris caresses my left arm. "Good job."

Chris Pratt just told me I did a good job. I can't believe it.

I take my purse from the wooden chair next to the door. The last girl sitting in the stool outside the room, looks at me, trying to guess what happened in there. I smile at her and she leans against the wall, looking defeated. I guess she guessed what happened. I walk inside the huge hall, but now staring at the details of the place, now that I'm officially working on NBC. I head to the coffee place inside the Rockefeller, to get some tea.

The elevator takes a lot of time to get to my level. The door opens smoothly to reveal my current nightmare. Andy.

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