Chapter One- Heat

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The Voltron paladins had just gotten back from an intense training session that Keith kept getting dustracted everytime he would look at Lance or Shiro. There Sweaty bodies giving off an intense sent that made his knees week. The little Omega couldn't help but feel attracted to the two Strong, Masculine, Sexy Alphas.

  Keith sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "Oh my god Pigde I am so fucked." He said entering her room and plopping down on her bean-bag chair. Pidge rose her left eye brow in borh confusion, and a symbol to go on. "Today at traing I couldn't stop staring at Lance and Shiro. Hell If wasn't for you pushing me I probably would have went into an early hear right then and there." He said sighing in frustration.

Pidge giggled at her best friend whom she called her brother. "I know how you feel man. I almost lost my shit when Allura fell ontop of me." She confessed and began day-dreaming about her Altean Crush.

Keith simply chuckled and shook his head and decided to just leave Pidge to her fantasies. He gently kissed her head before walking out of her room and down the long corridor to his own. 

  Once Keith got to his room he went to the bathroom to get his Omefa surpresents only to realize he was out. Keith gulped and began shaking. 'Oh no.' He thought. 'Once the team finds out Pidge and I are worthless weak omega freaks there going to get rid of us.' Keith felt tears pricking his eye as a wave of sadness hit him.

  Just wanting to drown out the world Keith popped gis pacifier in his mouth and curled up in a ball hugging his giant red-lion stuffie and soon fell sleep.


Keith woke up the next morning and whimpered loudly and needily as a wave of oain and hotness took over his body. He quickly stripped and curled up in a tighter ball and began to cry and shake.

Apon hearing there team-mates whimpers while following the intoxicating sent that had woken them up they knocked on his door. "G-Go away please!" Keith cried out, smelling that it was his two Alpha crushes whom he feared was there to tell Lance that they knew and that his disgusting self was being kicked off the team.

  The pair of Alpha simply growled and forced the door open. Blushing deeply and getting deeply aroused by the sight before them.


AN/ I hope this is ok so far. Im sorry its so short. 422 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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