The Student Of the Masjid

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A great deal of fighting and bloodshed started  prior to India Pakistan partition of 1947. Qari Mohammed Qayyam related that there lived a beautiful daughter of a rich man, at that time she went out for going to her aunt house, who used to live somewhere around few streets away. Now suddenly a riot started when arrived half the way and she got trapped in that situation. She saw a masjid nearby and she quickly went to the masjid and sat at the corner of women's sitting. The riot continued late night and she got trapped in that situation, she was worried and in that situation she didn't know what to do.
There was a young student who was the custodian of the Masjid. And late night when he walked through the masjid before locking up he saw a beautiful young girl is sitting in the corner of the women's section in the Masjid. He was very respectful young student, a young boy, who used to fear Allah (swt) a lot, he asked this girl to leave the masjid very politely, he said the girl if anyone see them then both will be dishonored and would be thrown out from the masjid as well as from the community. But girl pleaded him to let her stay a night in the masjid because there was a danger situation out of the masjid as she can't go out in that situation, so the boy agreed and he sat down to the opposite end of the masjid to read the Quran.
The girl couldn't sleep because the event of the day is terrifying her mind and she saw the boy reading Quran in the candle light at the opposite side. She kept watching him but she was surprised at the same time what she saw.  What she saw? She saw that the young boy for time to time putting his hand to the open fire, means burning his finger while studying, only withdrawing it when the heat was becoming unbearable. He then continued like this the all night until the dawn break.
So the young boy gave Adhan and asked the girl to leave before the congregation started to coming to pray, because outside the situation got calm now. She agreed to leave the masjid but put the condition that he need to explain her why he was burning his hand all night while studying. The boy did not agree on this condition as he did not want to reveal and asked the girl to leave but the girl didn't convinced and made an agrue and forced him to explain the situation otherwise she would not leave the masjid. As the boy did not have any other choice, so he said, "I am at the age of youth and strong desire. We were alone and my desire was increasing, as I was unable to control my desire being young, and although I was studying, the Devil (shaitaan) started to put temptation in my heart. Hence whenever this temptation comes to my heart I burn my hands. I say to myself that this flame is nothing in comparison to Hell fire. If I can't bear the pain of so small fire than how would I bear the pain of Hell fire? So I was doing that."
As she got the answer and she left for her home and calming her parents that she is alright now and explained to her parents whatever happened and she also confined in her mother that she wants to marry the custodian of the masjid. She said her mother that only such fear of Allah can be true to his wife and can fulfill all the rights of his wife. She said that she would be happy after married to him.
Hence the poor custodian of the Masjid got the daughter of the rich man in marriage. He got the honor not because he was handsome but because of his character.
Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said: "Nothing is heavier upon the scale of the Believer on the Day of Resurrection than his good character. Verily, Allah hates the shameless, obscene person." (Tirmidhi)

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