
you said nervously. 

"for real? is it really true?" 


you smile he hugs you tightly. 

"I'm so happy!" 

he kisses your cheek. 


Kusanagi smiled. 

"I'm gonna have to bake a cake to celebrate!" 

Tatara was practically beaming like a ray of sunshine of happiness and excitement. Mikoto got up smiling and hugged you. he patted Yata on the back. 


you're father looked at both of you. 

"I'm too young to be called grandpa. have your child call me something else." 

"ummm actually dad." 


he looked at you. 

"it's children. their twins." 


Yata looked at you surprised Chitose finally spoke. 

"wow Yata you sure don't hold back." 

yata blushed at the comment. 

"shut up!" 

he turned back to you smiling and hugged you putting his ear to your stomach. 

"Hey guys this is your dad talking. I just wanted to say I love you and your gonna have the best mom ever. you'll have a crazy family but they're all kind and will take care of you no matter what so you don't have to worry." 

everyone smiled at his kind words and the moment he straightened up. 

"we'll since we want you to be healthy and our kids too." 

he walked over to Mikoto and held out his hand. 

"give um to me." 

the red head looks at him. 

"give me the cigarettes." 


"you heard me. no more smoking." 

they had a a staring contest for at least a whole minute. Yata wouldn't back down apparently when it came to you and now his children he wouldn't back down to anyone to keep you and them healthy and safe. even to his king that he respects so much. finally your father relented and handed your husband the cigarettes. Yata nodded then continued around the room until he collected everyone's that had them. he got out a box from the back and put all the cigarettes in and put the box near the door. 

"from now on when you wanna smoke do it outside." 

everyone who said cigarettes belonged to sighed. but they understood why and they would comply anyway even if they weren't told. you laugh at there antics yes this was definitely a happy day.

"Hey! I'm back!" 

you hear the door to the bar open. snapping you out of your thoughts. 

"welcome back." 

"yay dads back!" 

"dads back home!" 

you're children abandoned their attempts to get your father to show them his flames instead making a beeline for their father hugging him. 

"hey guys were you good today." 

"yeah but we want to see flames! but grandpa just keeps falling asleep!" 

Mikoto grunted. 

"I'm to young to be called grandpa. try something else." 

"how about lion?" 

Akami said. 

"yeah that fits him well! he does kinda act like the ones we saw in the zoo and on tv!" 

Akahito said agreeing and nodding his head. Tatara and Izumo started laughing Mikoto just grumbled then glared at Yata. 


"hey dad believe it or not. but that's probably the closest thing you'll get that's not grandpa."

 you say giggling. 

"I suppose it's better than that." 

he sighed turning over Izumo just smiled at his friend who seemed to be pretending to be annoyed by the nickname the two children gave him but was really smiling you could tell. Fushimi came down the stairs and into the bar with his laptop under his arm. by this point he was fully excepted back into the clan and family. your two kids were very attached to him and surprisingly he was quite found of them as well. 

"Hey Saru is up!" 

"Saru! Saru!" 


Akami leaped at him climbing on his back and onto his shoulder. he was still groggy from napping. 


was all he said. 

"hey guess what dad!" 

Akami said excitedly. 

"Saru did this really cool thing with his computer! it was like zip! zap! tap! tap! tap! on his keyboard so fast! it was so cool! I wanna be like Saru!" 

"yeah! yeah! me too! I wanna be like Saru too!" 

Akahito said as well climbing up on the other shoulder of Fushimi. Yata gave his friend an amused look then looked at his children. 

"what about me? don't one of you guys wanna be like me?" 

he points to himself with pride. the twins look at each other then back at there father answering in unison. 

"No way!" 

yata looked absolutely shocked and a little heart broken, he glared at his friend. 

"I won't lose to you!" 

"dad don't worry we still love you. it's just that you can be kinda...." 

Akami trailed off. 


Akahito finished for his sister they both nod. 

"I'm not sure if I should be hurt or happy by that." 

he said to himself you patted him on the back in a comforting manner. 

"don't worry no matter what you'll always be my number one. for now and forever!" 

he gave you a smile. 

"yeah you're right and I wouldn't have things any other way then they are now." 

he says as you both smile watching your family playing and messing around happily "yeah." 

you nod and kiss his cheek.

The End

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