Chapter 17

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you see him standing on the window sill. he looked at you seeing the cut on your cheek. 


he jumped in launching himself straight at Fushimi. his flames propelling him forward faster to make a harder impact for his hit. Fushimi blocked but was still pushed back and had to create some distance from you in order to stay out of Yata's range of attack. 

"heh. you found me faster than I thought you would." 

"yeah. and the rest of homra are already on there way here. it'll only be a matter of minutes before you're gonna face death it's self." 

as Yata was talking he made his way over to you and cut the rope that was binding you. you walked out of the way knowing it'd be better for you to stay out of the way for now. the two boys were staring each other down. no words being exchanged only looks that promised death. they fly towards each other beginning an intense battle. they were pretty evenly matched being partners and friends for so long once. but there was something more than fighting that they were doing. it was almost like they were communicating. no. not like. they were you could feel the emotion and pain of both of them. they both didn't understand and yet understood at the same time. 

at that point you knew you had to do something. and it had to be the thing that Fushimi kidnapped you for. it was the only to make the pain in their hearts go away. only for what you could tell for Fushimi it was his whole soul that needed healing. you nod to yourself making your decision running to their fight. 

you tackled Fushimi pinning him to the ground using your weight to keep him in place. 

"Y/n what are you doing!" 

Yata yelled at you. 

"don't worry." 

you place your four head against Fushimi's. 

"it'll be ok. once I'm done the pain will stop for both of you." 

"what are you talking about?!" 

Yata tried to ask but saw your aura light up wings of fire emerged from your back spreading wide. 

"no stop! you'll hurt yourself! remember what Kusanagi said it takes your energy! stop please I'm begging you! I don't want to lose you too!" 

you look at Yata with a smile on your face. 

"don't worry I'll be fine. and when this is over you'll have both me and your friend back." 

you closed your eyes letting your flames surround you and Fushimi. homra just got to the door blasting it open. they saw Yata moving forward over to Y/n to try and pull you away. but when he tried to reach into your flames his hand burned. he pulled away, Kusanagi put a hand on his shoulder gaining the boys attention he looked up at the bartender. 

"we can't interfere even if we want to." 

Yata closed his eyes. 

"she'll be alright kid. my daughter is no pushover." 

"yeah I know."


Fushimi's POV

'It's dark. it's so dark everywhere.' 

he looked he saw his memories. his pain. his loneliness. his mind was like a shattered mirror. he could see the memories of his childhood. how lonely it was without his mother. how his father would torcher his mind with threats of hurting him and Misaki. his he escaped from it to homra.

 then saw Misaki replacing him. the one friend he had disappeared. so now he decided it was better to disappear as well. 

'yes it was better that way.' 

he sunk further down into the darkness. 

'it's better if I don't come back at all.'


'no go away. don't come here.' 


I look over in the detection of the voice. it was a girl she was surrounded by flames. she holds out her hand to me. 

"Fushimi. let me light your way back from this dark place. let me heal you." 

"how do I know you're telling the truth? how do I know you won't hurt me like everyone else?" 

"I can help you but you have to trust me. I can't promise that you won't get hurt at all in the future cause that's how life is. but I can and will promise you that I will heal your pain when you get hurt. and Misaki will always be by your side to help you as well." 

"but I hurt him. he hates me. there's no use!" 

"he'll forgive you. yes it will take time. but he will forgive you. he still thinks of you as his friend and I doubt that will ever change so please. let me help you please." 

a path of light led from her to me. fire lining the edges as if to be a guard and a guide away from the darkness surrounding me. I take a step on to the path. my body and heart begin to feel a little lighter. I take another step forward with each step the darkness and pain disappear more and more. soon I was right in front of her. I looked at the girl holding out her hand to me. 

"we better hurry everyone is waiting for us. they'll be glad to see your alright." 

I take her hand, wings of flames emerge from her back. 

"you ready?" 

I nodded. 

"let's go!" 

 we take off flying.

Normal POV

Yata was sitting staring at you waiting nervously. finally you're wings disappeared. you fell to the side of Fushimi breathing heavily. Yata raced over to your side holding you in his arms. 

"Yn! Yn! are you ok? please tell me your ok?!" 

you opened your eyes looking up at him smiling. 

"I did it Misaki. Fushimi will be ok. his soul is no longer in pain. he'll be happy again and you'll be happy too. that makes me happy, can I sleep I'm really tired?" 

"yeah. sure.. you deserve it." 

he hugged you tightly in his arms picking you up. Mikoto picked up Fushimi and slung him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. 

"come on guys let's head back to the bar."

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