Chapter 2

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A week passed by and y/n decided to go to the skate park to hangout. 'maybe if I'm lucky I can even see Yata again.' she smiled excited at the thought. Once she got there she noticed a crowd of people she managed to make her way through and she was met with Yata doing tricks like she's never seen before. 

'Wow! he's amazing.' He stopped and looked over to her and blushed. she walked up to him. "hey that was awesome!" 

"umm thanks so what's up?" 

"nothing much really. I was skating by and I saw a crowd and wanted to see what was happening. I'm glad I did cause we got to meet up again!" you smiled happily 

"y-yeah." was all he could say you thought for minute and smiled 

"do you wanna get something to eat? and we can talk and stuff." 

Yata nodded and fallowed her 'wow I'm actually hanging out with a girl. and she's pretty too. ok I got to not screw up.'  

'He's really quiet maybe he's just shy. but hey everyone bonds over food so it's gonna be alright right.' 

Finally they get to a Raman house and order two bowls. he was surprised that she would actually choose his favorite place he smiled. 

"Hey Yata." he snaps back to reality 

"yeah. what is it?" 

"I was just wondering umm... if you don't mind me asking why do you stutter so much when I talk to you?" 

"Oh umm I'm not very good at talking to girls really." 

"Oh if it makes you feel better I'm not really good with guys. actually you're the only outside of my family that I've ever really talked too." She smiled thinking of her crazy HOMRA family.

 He looked at her curiously. 'so she's like me huh... I wonder what the guys at HOMRA would think of her. they'd probably like her; Chitose would probably try hitting on her yeah. I better keep him away from her.'  "Hey so what is your family like?" 

she smiled thinking of them "they're loud with fire like tempers but; they always look out for each other no matter what cause that's what family does. we seem to get new family members fast. we're not blood related really but for me it's a bond that go's beyond blood that really matters for me." she smiles I smiled just thinking of it. 

'it sounds kinda like HOMRA. I bet she'd like it there.' "Yeah my family is just like that too."

 Yn looked at him "I hope one day I'll meet them they sound fun!" 

"yeah." I smile "sometime I'll take you there." 

"Oh right!" she looks at me "here I'll give you my number; and you can give me yours. is that cool?" She looked at him 

"yeah sure." 

I open my PDA and give it to him to put his number in. he hands it back to me. "thanks" I text him. "there now you got my number. and we talk whenever; it'll be great don't you think?"

 he nodded and payed for our food and both started heading home. once y/n made it back she lays down and smiles happily. Thinking about her new friend. 'yeah I can't wait to see him again soon I'll text him goodnight.' I took out my PDA looked for yata

"Hey I just wanted to say I had fun today and that I'm sorry I didn't ask what food you liked before we went to the ramen shop. Also thanks for paying it was really sweet of you."

"It's cool that ramen place is actually one of my favorites. it's always got good food I had fun to I can't wait to hang out again too."

Yn felt her heart skip a beat and smiled.

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