Chapter 9

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I finally arrived at school just in time too. I take a seat next to my friend Kukuri. 


"hey I haven't seen you for a while." 

"yeah I was spending some time with my family while moving my stuff back in." 

"that makes sense. I'm sure they must have missed you when you were at the dorms." 

"yeah. so did you find a place to live also?" 

"yeah I moved in with another girl from our dorm to an apartment. I was actually gonna ask if you wanted to join if you didn't already have a place. but it seems I didn't have to worry that's good." 

"yeah I'm all set up." 

"hey so after class today do you wanna hangout?" 

"sorry but I can't I have to go back home after school. I'm sorry!" 

"it's fine don't worry about it. anyway looks like class is about to start." 


we got out our books and other things we needed the teacher came in and started class.


Izumo was frowning at the bar thinking about the predicament he Mikoto and Tatara were in. not that they knew yet. but he was definitely gonna bring it up to them when They got up. he sighed. 

the guys were all spread out over the bar chatting and doing other stuff. Yata finally came down the stares looking well rested. he greeted Izumo and picked up his skateboard and yelled to Kamamoto that it was time for the rounds. and from there the others started making their way out the door. 

Izumo waved to them once the shut behind them he put down the glass he was polishing. he went over to the door and put the closed sign up; but left the door unlocked for anyone from Homra. 

"well I suppose it's time to get the parent meeting started."

 and headed upstairs to get Mikoto and Tatara so they could all talk.


Izumo went into Tatara's room first. he saw him humming and going through the footage of his camera. Anna siting next to him watching. 

"hey Tatara. we're gonna have a parent meeting with Mikoto now. it's important!" 

Tatara looked up. 

"really we haven't had one of those for a while. I wonder what's happening?" 

he then turned to Anna 

"hey can you play in your room for a bit. I'll hangout with you later ok." 

she pouted. 

"yeah I know. I'll make it up to you later."

 she nodded and went to her room. he looked back to Izumo. 

"so what are we gonna discuss in this meeting?" 

"you'll see and the kings definitely not gonna like it."

 with that they went to Mikoto's room

In Mikoto's Room

Mikoto was laying on his bed with his eyes closed enjoying the peace and quiet until the door opened. he cracked one eye open to see who it was even though he already knew. it had to be one of two people Izumo or Tatara. everyone else knocked although this time they were both here. 

"what's going on?"

 he sat up. 

"parents meeting."

 Izumo closed the door and locked it. particularly for not getting interrupted and also so the other adults in the room couldn't escape. Mikoto noticing what his friend just did looked at the door and said. 

"I suppose this isn't gonna be conversation I like." 

"yeah and sadly. and one none of us can escape from." 

Tatara sat down on the couch. Izumo in front of the door and Mikoto on the bed. 

"that bad huh?" 

"yeah it's been so long since we had one of these. I think the last one was four years ago." 

"yeah..... that was a crazy one."

 Mikoto just nodded. so Tatara looked at Izumo. 

"what's this one gonna be about?" 

Izumo looked down at the floor uncomfortably.  

"what is it?"

 Mikoto looked at Izumo. finally Izumo opened his mouth. 

"we got to figure out witch one of us is gonna give her 'the talk'." 

both other men looked up at the blonde with shades with unreadable expressions. 

"why not  ask your friend that helped us last time?" 

Tatara said 

"that was a one time deal. after she said to me 'that we have to man up and take care of the rest of these conversations on our own.' honestly she's not wrong about there being other things we need to explain to her." 

"what brought this on in the first place? she used to only care about skateboarding and video games." 

Tatara replied "yeah I was wondering that too?" 

Mikoto was staring at Izumo semi annoyed. 

"yeah about that... one of our idiot clansman brought in a book that was easy to read in English apparently according to him. and gave it to her saying it was a easy read. she came up to me when she didn't recognize one of the words and wanted me to explain what it meant. I froze up and sent her to her room. and as for the rest Tatara can tell you what happened." 

Mikoto just glared at the sealing at this point. 

"I already punished him for it. but you know it's probably about time we do this. you know she's gonna need to know, and think after this we can just have her explain this stuff to Anna and we won't have to." 

"that's true." 

"also we're doing it today after she gets back from school." 

both men looked at their bartender friend with blank stares. 

"can't you at least give us warning before you spring something like that on us?!" 

"I didn't have a chance. she started asking questions this morning about what the book was about. and it's not like I could say I'll tell you when you're older. we can't do that anymore cause she is grown weather we like it or not. so I told her that that we'd talk about it later this afternoon after school." 

"at least we know who's gonna give the talk." Tatara said 

"oh no! this is gonna be a group talk. you and Mikoto are gonna be in the room when this goes down. we all promised on that night that we would all raise her together. and this is a part of it whether we like it or not." 

Tatara sighed Mikoto looked at the floor. 

"he's right we did make that promise. and I meant every word of it plus we kinda used your flames as a sealed vow too." 

Tatara said thinking about the night y/n was born. Izumo nodded. 

"so we'll do 'the talk' here after school today." 

they all nod in agreement and all walked down stares to the bar 

'I'm gonna need a drink after this whole thing is over.' 

Mikoto thought and lay down on the couch while they wait for y/n to come back from school.

The Secret Crimson Princess YataXReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon