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first person pov

i know exactly where brenden is during lunch. he's with all of his other friends, albeit i'm kind of shocked that a prick like him has any friends. he's so manipulative and controlling. jc and i tried being really good friends with him back in elementary school but it didn't work out. he was so demanding, irritated whenever he didn't get his way and jc and i hated it, so we finally stopped trying.

i tell jc to wait outside the cafeteria doors. he seems hesitant at first but agrees to wait. i feel really bad for him. he's already going through so much shit from his dad at home. he really does not deserve this. he was limping all the way to the doors, which really isn't that far from the bathroom, but jc still struggled to get here.

i barge in and hardly anyone notices. i see a few of my friends motioning for me to come and join them to eat lunch. i apologize to them, saying i can't because i'm trying to find someone. they nod, understanding. i continue to look for brenden and i spot him a few tables from the doors. i fast walk to where he's at, trying my best to not be seen by anyone i know.

before i can confront him, he looks at me from a distance and rolls his eyes at me. that fucking douchebag. i crack my knuckles and finally go up to him.

"so, brenden, i've heard you've done something very bad not too long ago," i tell him, raising my voice an octave so he can hear me.

he laughs, grinning from ear to ear.

"where did you hear this lie from?" he questions me, his buddies laughing right along with him.

"you and i both know it's not a lie, brenden."

"bullshit, kian. you've got absolutely no proof that i've done something remotely wrong."

his little "possi" of rich assholes start getting even more intrigued by our conversation. i get up in brenden's face.

"oh really? because i just found jc caylen in the bathroom, bleeding like hell, barely able to get up, limping instead of walking. it looked like he got beat up pretty bad. can you take a guess by who?" i stare into his crystal blue eyes and he stares back into my dull brown ones.

"this isn't the time or place, lawley."

"oh it definitely is, fuller. c'mon, i'll let ya throw the first punch."

to my surprise, he actually does get up and throws the first punch. he gets up from his seat and swings right at my face. i take a step back and he misses me by a few centimeters. things just got real.

i take the second swing, hitting brenden right in the jaw. he grabs it, looking at me with disbelief. he takes the third swing, going for gut, but i move out of the way again and he misses. i punch him in the nose and in the eye.

"ouuu, that's definitely gonna leave a mark on that damn near perfect face of yours," i say sarcastically.

he grabs his nose. it looks a little bit crooked, perhaps broken. when he takes his hand away, it's covered in his own blood. he currently has a murderous look on his face. there's a hint of anger in it, along with some remorse in his face. for what he did to jc? i start to wonder. i scratch that thought, thinking it ridiculous.

he makes a huge fist and squeezes his hand tight until his knuckles turn white as a sheet. he swings at me and actually hits me this time. right in the jaw. i try my best not to show that i'm in pain. damn he punches really hard.

he swings again at my gut and, yet again, he succeeds in doing so. that punch almost brings me to my knees. as revenge, i swing twice at his ribs, most likely breaking one.

he grabs his right side, in extreme pain. i can't help it. i cross my arms and laugh a little as he cowers to the ground. a bunch of students have most likely already recorded me doing all of this to him, but i don't care. i had a good reason to do it.

out of nowhere, he grabs me and throws me to the ground. hard. i groan out in pain, caught by surprise. he gets on top of me and punches my face in multiple places. my nose, my lip, my jaw, my eye.

i finally put it to a stop to it. i make us switch positions, with me on top this time, him on the bottom. i hit him in many different places, mostly what he calls a face, harder than he hit me. i punch him until my hands get covered in his own blood.

after doing that for what seems like an eternity, i hear someone running up to us. i turn to see who it is and i pale almost instantly. it's the principal of thomas jefferson high school, mrs. turner.

"lawley, fuller! my office this instant!" she screams at brenden and i.

i roll my eyes, knowing good and well both brenden and i are going to get suspended for about a week. i'll just put most of the blame on him, since it is mainly his fault that i did all of this in the first place.

brenden tries to get on his own and fails. he grabs onto a nearby chair for support, actually getting up this time. we walk straight to mrs, turner's office, both of us groaning out in extreme pain, neither of us even glancing at the other on our way there.

when we go out the doors, i don't see jc there. where the fuck did he go? knowing him, he most likely went to the bathroom, to try to clean his face and other parts of his body. i'll catch up with him later.

te amo || jian (book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ