chapter 3 - secret smiles

Start from the beginning

TJ was able to go from loud and arrogant to soft and hesitant within the span of two seconds, and Cyrus was honestly getting whiplash from trying to keep up with it.

"Cyrus, have you been day-dreaming constantly for the past few days? I feel like I'm always trying to get your attention."

He pried his eyes away from TJ and turned back to Andi, giving her a guilty smile.

"I'm so sorry, I've just been...distracted. What were you saying?"

"I was saying that Amber is my project partner for art!"

"She's your what?" Marty exclaimed, turning to the pair.

"I know! And the project lasts an entire term!"

"Andi, you have to ask her out." Cyrus begged.

"Yeah," Marty agreed. "If I have to deal with your pining all term, I might explode."

"You guys know I can't do that." she complained.

Marty just scoffed, tearing off a piece of his muffin and handing it to Cyrus. "Why not? You're pan, she's gay, you're both single and you both like art! Boom. Perfect couple."

Cyrus accepted the muffin piece with a thankful smile, nodding eagerly in agreement.

The girl rolled her eyes at the pair as Buffy and Jonah both joined them, sitting down in their usual spots. Buffy looked downright furious, and Cyrus couldn't help but send Andi a worried glance.

"You guys won't believe what TJ just did."

Cyrus paled slightly at that. "...Why? What did he do?"

"He smiled at me!"

The concern on everyone's face melted away at that. Cyrus let out a small sigh of relief.

"Buffy," Marty began gently, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Why is that bad?"

"Because he was obviously mocking me!"

"How do you know that?"

Some of the girl's outrage gave way to uncertainty. "I don't know...why else would he smile at me?"

"Buffy, I hate to break it to you, but smiling is generally considered a pretty nice gesture." Andi said.

"Yeah," Jonah agreed. "Maybe he was actually just smiling at you."

She sighed in defeat and nodded. "Fine. He's still a jerk though."

Marty shrugged. "I can agree with that."


When Cyrus went to collect his books for last period, he realised that TJ was standing in front of his locker.

He scanned the seas of people crowding the corridor for either Buffy or Andi, and when he was satisfied that they definitely weren't around, he approached the boy with a playful smile.


"Hey! What's up?"

"'re kind of in front of my locker."

TJ laughed. "Right, sorry - I'll move."

He stepped aside with an amused smile, allowing Cyrus to unlock his locker and collect his things.

"So...what do you have now?" the boy asked him.

"Photography. What about you?"

"I have History."

Cyrus' eyes flicked down to the books TJ was carrying, and he couldn't help but notice the test at the top of his pile.

"Hey - you got an A! Nice job."

TJ's face immediately reddened at that. He hastily slipped his test back into his history book, giving Cyrus an embarrassed smile. "Thanks! I history."

Cyrus was going to respond then, but Isaac chose that unfortunate moment to waltz up to TJ with a lazy smirk.

"Hey Kippen," he greeted, clapping the boy on the back. "Who's this?"

Cyrus wasn't sure what he expected TJ to do, but he definitely didn't expect the athlete to introduce him with a proud smile.

"This is Cyrus." he told Isaac.

The shorter boy gave a hesitant wave. Isaac observed him coldly for a moment, that same smirk still tugging at his lips. "Hi, Cyrus."

He opened his mouth to respond, but he was interrupted (or - saved, really) by the bell. He tried to muster up the sincerest smile he could.

"Sorry - I have to go now, but it was really nice meeting you!"

He took off down the corridor then, trying hard not to feel guilty about leaving TJ with Isaac.


Cyrus waited with Buffy and Marty at their bus stop after school (with an umbrella to avoid the sun of course), which resulted in him arriving home later than he usually would.

As he walked passed TJ's driveway, he casually glanced around for all of their drawings, only to be met with a group of the athlete's friends.
They weren't facing him, but Cyrus could already tell what they were all sniggering about. The thought made him want to yell at something.

Again? Really? They couldn't mind their own business?

His stomach dropped when TJ stepped out of the back-door, an exhausted look on his face as he observed the group.

"Your sister and her friends drew more of this shit, Kippen?"

The athlete walked over with a sigh. "Yeah, they really love-" he stopped dead in his tracks the moment his eyes met Cyrus'.

The pair looked at one another for a few long moments, and when TJ finally turned back to the boys he seemed determined. Cyrus held his breath.

"Actually - you know what? Those aren't Amber's. Or her friend's. They're mine, and so were all of the other ones. But even if they were hers, why is that any of your business?"

Cyrus released the breath he was holding, a small smile settling on his lips at the group's gobsmacked silence.

"Now if you all don't mind, I have a shit tonne of homework to get through, so I'm going back inside. I'll see you tomorrow."

With that, TJ stormed back over to the back door, slamming it shut behind him.

Isaac turned around then, and his grey eyes briefly locked with Cyrus'. The shorter boy gave him a smile, before rushing away to his front door.


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