Chapter 5

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Harry Pov.

The fuzzy or dizzy feeling in my head only got worse today and I felt like I was going to faint when I got out of bed. I walk down stairs and Severus says "Harry, is it okay if Draco starts staying in your room since he doesn't want to go back to his common room every night since it's now on the seventh floor since the new eighth year common room." I nod my head and quickly say "Of corse he can, you didn't even have to ask." Draco smiles and hugs me wrapping me tightly in his arms making me feel secure and at peace.

I smile until it falters when the dizzy feeling takes over my head stumble backwards out of Draco's arms and hit the wall fairly hard. Draco rushes over to me, Severus kneels down to my level and starts asking if I'm ok, everything is blurry and I start to panic as I feel tears in my eyes as I say "Everything is blurry, help..." before I fall to the ground and black out.

Draco Pov.

I pick Harry up off the ground and turn to Sev and ask "What do I do?" He says "Follow me," and walks out of his office or whatever it is, we walk up a few flights of stairs and we are soon back at the hospital wing.

We walk in and call for Poppy, she walks out and I apologise for what I said a few days ago and then set the unconscious boy on a bed and wait. About five minutes later Poppy comes back and says "He fainted due to malnutrition, I gave him a few nutrition potions and I am going to give him a I.V. As muggles call it since it's the easiest way to get food into his system and the quickest."

We pull back the curtains around Harry's bed and gasp, he is extremely pale, had sunken in eyes, looks even thinner than he did before and has scars all up and down his arms. I run up to him and ask Poppy "What happened to him?" I have tears running down my face as she says "He had a glamour on, his other glamour was what he used to try not to look basically dead."

I put my hand around his wrist and there is about and inch of room between my fingers and his wrist. I pull my other hand up to my mouth to muffle my sobs as Sev is talking to Poppy about how to get him to eat and I hear her say "I think he has anorexia nervosa whi-" I jumped up and said "what does that mean?!" She looked at me sadly and said

"Draco, I assume Harry here has Anorexia Nervosa which is a mental disorder where the victim avoids eating or drinking anything with a large amount of calories turning into rapid weight loss that is extremely unhealthy. Although I have only heard of this among muggles it is an extremely serious and a deadly disease, one in five sufferers die from complications or they sadly commit suicide. Luckily It is curable. All I need is your, Snape's, and Harry's permission so I can start having him take nourishment potions and have tracked meals. Is that okay with you two?" We both nod mine much more panicked than Sev's and look down at Harry wishing for him to wake up. I know he won't wake up for about four hours so after the two adults leave I start talking to him. 

"Hey Harry, right now we are all panicking mostly me but we all are. I was so worried when you fainted, I thought you were dead but thank god you aren't or I would be in pieces and wouldn't even know what to with my life anymore. Just thinking about is almost bringing me to tears, and god you look terrible. You need to treat yourself better so this doesn't happen again so I can confess to you without constantly worrying if you are going to wake up for another day or this is it. You are like a ticking time bomb ready to explode and die, that scares me. The thought of the person I love so dearly disappearing from my life all together is horrifying, and even worse you could die any day. I also got news that you have a disease that makes it so you have a twenty percent chance of death which I hate, I wish that you didn't grow up with those stupid muggles then none of this would have happened. I guess what I'm trying to say is I love you and I want you to be healthy so I can love you through forever."

I look up to the ceiling and blink back my tears suddenly feeling and overwhelming sense of drowsiness, falling asleep on Harry's Hospital bed still sitting in the same chair as before. 

 Hi, sorry for being gone so long. I was writing my other stories and forgot about this one for a hot second. Again sorry


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