Ways To Kill People 31-40

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31) Marriage...it's a painfully slow agonizing death.

32) Bury them up to the head and put honey on their face so the bugs and birds can feast on them slowly.

33) Stab them with an icicle. It's the perfect murder weapon as it simply melts away and then there's no weapon for the police to fingerprint test and things :P

34) Glue their hands to the sides of their head and then hang them with guitar string. When they are hanged, their head will be cut off and will only be attached by the glued hands. Then it will look like they ripped their own head off. So kawaii ^__^

35) There is a specific rat poison you can buy and mix into some ones food. It is flavorless and liquifies their insides. The best part is that an hour or more after the victim is dead the poison is no longer in the system so they do not know what killed them. Sweeeet >:)

36) Swap their sugar/salt with gunpowder and watch their jaws explode :D

37) Feed them with ice-cream non stop, ULTIMATE BRAIN FREEZE xD

38) Take out their insides, stuff it with plastic, wax their skin and sell them as mannequins (I don't know if I spelled that right) so they can put them on display in a store:) 

39) Drug them and while they're high, persuade them to have a wrestling match with 5 bears. The police can't get you, because it was their choice. FAB-YOU-LUSS

40) Twist their hair and keep pulling while twisting until their scalp peels off :PP


Have a safe day(:

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