Ways To Kill People 11-20

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11) Paper cuts..everywhere!!

12) Death by cheese grater.

13) Give them an umbrealla and tell them to be Mary Poppins on top of a ten storey building.

14) Choke them with pepperoni.

15) Mummify them..Alive!

16) Cut open their wrist and pull out their arteries, cutting up their arm as you go.

17) Pull out their tounge..but do it slowly while they're tied up on a chair (:<

18) If you're close friends, 'borrow' their phone/mp3 player/tablet/whatever while they're listening to music. Pause the music for 5 seconds and increase the volume to full blast. When you 'unpause' it, it won't kill them but it will hurt their ears AND give them intense shock. (Make sure you do this when they have headphones/earphones on.)

19) Use a vacuum cleaner to suck all the air out of their lungs through their mouth. (harsh..)

20) Use a sewing needle (or whatever has a small, sharp edge) and make lots and lots of small holes all around their body. Wait till they bleed to death(;


Hey thereeee:))

Okay, I didn't keep my promise.. But I 100% guarantee you that the next 10 will be A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.L.Y...harsh;)

Um. Message me if you love M&Ms..

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