Ways To Kill People 21-30

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21) Kill them with kindness ^__^

22) Cannibalism. Aw, come on! Who doesn’t love a good cannibalistic zombie movie? If you aren’t comfortable with dressing up as an animated dead body and ripping off your victim’s arms with your bare hands and forcing them to watch, then that’s okay! Just hire a crawler from The Descent! Don't know what that is, Google image it! I would suggest Fred, whom is my personal favorite! They’ll get the bloody job done for you!

23) Oh, There Goes My Brain. Okay, I started laughing when I wrote this. If you smack your hands simultaneously on both of someone’s ears, it will cause their eardrums to burst and their brains to have an aneurism. Now I don't know about you, but when I become a serial killer, that will be my signature move.

24) Tie ropes to their arms and legs, tie the other ends to two jet planes, and fly the jets in opposite directions. I remember seeing a movie where people used cars to do this. Maybe it was one of the Saw films? Or maybe it was one of the cases in CSI. I don't know, but it's pretty cool and it would be a sight to see xD

25) Squirt oranges in their eyes(:<

26) One word. Snakes.

27) Choke them with spiders!! So kawaii ^__^

28) Jump from a high rise building & fall right to your target which is the person you wanted to get killed, head to head, so its like diving from the roof top. (but you'll die though) 

29) Some form of lethal poison that is applied to the rim of a coffee cup in an office setting. Completely random. Whoever takes the cup from the cupboard and drinks from it dies. Bye bye, stranger..

 30) Planting a alligator in the pool right before they go for a nightly swim :)..unless..they have night vision..or they're immune to alligators..

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