Chapter 11

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Tara's P.O.V

    "Her heart rate is normal" I heard faintly. It's like I had cotton balls in my ears. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Bruce standing with a clipboard looking at me.
"How long have I been out?" I sounded like someone had put my vocal cords in a blender.
"About an hour" ok so not long but I'm so done with the passing out and waking up in hospital beds. I swung my legs over the side and started to get up. "Lay back down" no way. As me feet touched the ground Steve walked in.
"What are you doing?" I looked at him then Bruce.
"Standing up"
"I told her to lay back down" said Bruce. Then I saw Steve look at Bruce and they shared one of those looks that just ment trouble.
"Tara" Steve said slowly walking towards me.
"Steve" I could here Bruce walking up behind me. Steve was getting closer. "Bruce." I heard him stop. "Lets compromise."
"Sure, you lay back down and we won't make you."
"Ha, hahahaha, you think you can make me." I'm struggling to breathe. What he said was so funny he think he can make me. My sides hurt. I saw a twinkle of satisfaction in his eyes. Suddenly Bruce grabbed me from behind.
"Help" I screamed. "Bruce, Bruce let go" as I started struggling Steve grabbed one of my arms and Bruce the other. "Help." I was being dragged back to the bed. I heard foot steps stop at the door.
"What's going on in here?"
"Tony, Tony please help me." I was getting closer to the bed. Then Clint and Natasha walked in.
"Let her go" both Steve and Bruce groaned and let me go.
"Thank you" Wait what just happened. I suddenly realized that I had been smiling. I shut my mouth as fast as I could. Everyone else was smiling.
"Do I have a room?" I asked. Tony looked up.
"Jarvis can you please take Tara to her room"
"Yes sir, this way Tara." I started following the glowing arrows on the floor. I walked into the elevator. I saw the mirror on the side and screamed.
"Jarvis take me back to Bruce." The elevator went back up and I ran to the infirmary. "Bruce something's wrong." He looked at me.
"Your features didn't go back to normal after the incident on the helicarrier." Wait that was what that flying thingie was called.
"Do you think they ever will?"
"I don't know but it has no negative side affects to my knowledge, now can you go so I can try to find HYDRA" I scowled at him and walked out.
"Jarvis how about we try this again." The arrows appeared on the floor. As I walked into the elevator I looked at myself in the mirror. I was different. More open, like you could see me. The elevator dinged and I got to my floor. I walked out into a living area. A little searching later I had found a master bedroom a closet full of clothes and a small kitchenette. I got dressed into a pair of white jeans and a gold crop top and a pair of white sneakers.
"Tara, Tony is requesting your presence in the kitchen for dinner."
"Thank you Jarvis can you take me there?" I walked into the elevator and it opened on the floor that I assumed was the kitchen.
"Let's order shawarma"
"No let's order pizza"
"Chinese food is obviously the best option." I walked in to see everyone fighting about what we should eat. Tony and Natasha looked like they were about to get into a fighting about shawarma or pizza.
"Good Tara's here. Pizza or shawarma." Tony asked. Natasha was looking at me with one of those looks that promises death if wronged and Tony was just looking at me. I had to think fast.
"How about we make dinner?"
"Like cook?" Asked Clint.
"Yah how long has it been since you guys haven't ate out?"
"Since Tony cooked last, and he more blew up the kitchen" Tony scowled at Natasha for that comment.
"Ok well how about we make pasta"
"Sounds good"

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