you feel small tears at the corner of your eyes you didn't even have to think about the answer.


Yata slid the ring on your finger grinning kissing your knuckles there was nothing in the world that could ruin this moment. you heard a sniffling behind you. you turned your head to see Izumo rubbing at his eyes. Mikoto was smiling and Tatara was filming the whole moment Mikoto looked at Izumo. 

"are you crying?" 

"n-no. but are little girl is growing up and leaving the nest. and now gonna get married."

 Mikoto sighed. 

"a mom even at this moment." 

you couldn't help but giggle at your fathers words. but Izumo didn't say anything he just smiled you turned to your father. 

"is this what that fight was about?" 

he just smirked. 

"a while back yata looked me straight in the eye and told me he was gonna marry you." 

you looked over at Yata who blushed and looked away. you turned back to your father waiting for him to continue. 

"I said if he could land a hit in a one on one fight I'd let him propose to you." 

you smile at your fathers words. 

"Geez... are you gonna make him prove himself in every step in our relationship?" 

there was a pause. 


you smile sighing Yata just chuckled you turned to him. 

"it's ok it's worth it. you're worth it." 

you pull him in a tight hug. 

"ow! ow! ow! Y/n that hurts!" 

"oh sorry!" 

you let go of him you both still smiling.

It's been three months and today was yours and Yata's big day. you both decided it wouldn't be a big event. just in a small garden with your close friends and family. to say that you weren't nervous was a lie, but in your mind you definitely had no doubt you were excited and happy to enter this new chapter in your life. Anna was with you helping you change and get ready there was a knock on the door. 

"Anna can you get that it's probably Mikoto." 

she nodded heading to the door peaking out to see who it was before opening the door fully. sure enough it was your father waiting for you. he looked at you and smiled. 

"you look beautiful." 

you were wearing a long but simple white wedding dress with your hair pined up with your regular hair clips in, but you also had spider Lily's in your hair you smiled. 

"your mother would be so happy right now. I think she would think you're beautiful." 

you smile and nod your father holds out his arm for you to take. 

"you ready. Yata's waiting for you." 

you take your fathers arm Anna picks up the train of your dress as you start to walk out to the garden.

Yata was standing at the front with Fushimi by his side as his best man. he was fidgeting nervous but excited. 

"would you stop that! you're gonna be fine." 

Fushimi said. 

"I can't help it. I want to impress her." 

"you know you already have." 

he looked over at his best friend. 

"oh looks like it's time." 

the music started. Yata's head snapped back to look in front of him and his jaw dropped in fact everyone's did. there you were standing at the entrance to the garden holding your fathers arm you looked so radiant like you were glowing angelic even. you slowly walked toward them smiling you stood in front of Yata. Yata looked at you a tint of red on his cheeks. 

"you look beautiful." 

he whispered. 

"and you look very handsome." 

Mikoto stepped to the middle behind the couple next to Izumo who was gonna perform the words for the ceremony. Anna put your dress down stepping to the side and Izumo began. 

"we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Misaki Yata and Y/n Suoh. please say your vows." 

Yata started. 

"Y/n you are the most precious person to me. I know I'm awful with words and can be an idiot so I know It'll be hard sometimes, but I promise to stay by your side forever. love, support you and treasure you. Y/n I love you." 

now it was your turn. 

"Misaki You came into my life and opened my world to so many beautiful and new things. new people, new memories and adventures. I know I can be stubborn and hard headed but I love you. I love how positive you are. I love how you make my world brighter. I love your courage, determination, loyalty, and beliefs of bonds being thicker than blood. but most of all I love you Misaki Yata forever and for all time." 

you could hear some sniffs in the background Izumo continued. 

"do you Misaki Yata take Y/n to be your wife in sickness and in health to cherish and to love for now and forever?" 

"I do." 

"and do you Y/n Suoh take Misaki to be your husband in sickness and in health to cherish and to love for now and forever?" 

"I do." 

"please take each other's hands and light your flames." 

you do Mikoto lights his hand up in his flames as well placing it on top of both of yours. 

"by the power of the red king and his flames. and by the witness of everyone here you are man and wife." 

Mikoto takes his hand away and steps back. 

"you may now kiss the bride." 

yours and Yata's faces draw closer you share a short but sweet kiss. you both heard cheers and wolf whistles in the background.

There was a big party at the bar. one that only homra could probably pull off everyone was drinking, joking and having fun. you sat with Yata at a table with everyone you were all enjoying your wedding cake at the moment the guys were teasing Yata and you congratulating you both the night ended in happiness.

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