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Too Long Didn't Read

This is a good section for those who chose not to read this whole book, but I still suggest that you go back and read it.

Boiled down, here are the things that you should keep in mind. I wrote this work for the sake of those who wanted advice, but this chapter can serve as a quick refresher.

1. Regular updates and +20 chapters = reads

2. Prewriting 50,000 words is a good goal to set before posting.

3. 1000-2000 word chapters

4. Write more, if you're aspiring to be any kind of writer, you don't have to write everyday but always be looking for opportunities to write.

5. Writers block happens, the key is finding solutions to getting over it that work for you.

6. Writer's block tip, learn more about your characters.

7. Learn how to read effectively, it will make you a better writer.

8. Show the details of your story through descriptive scenes.

9. Know your audience and market your book to them or nobody will ever read it.

10. Yes, you need a cover, google images is your friend. Copyright only counts it you are making money off it. Asking permission is always courteous if you can find the artists.

11. Knowing how to effectively tag will change how accessible your story is to those who would read it.

12. Your description is your first chance to prove you can write. If you don't want anyone to read your story it's okay to use less than two paragraphs. 

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