You clear your throat nervously, even though you're honestly terrified at this point. You can feel phantom fingers brushing up your spine and neck and there's an unsettling feeling in your stomach that feels like a coiling snake.

"You're a fortune teller?"

"A magician, dearie." The way she says it, so sickly sweet, sends a shiver down your spine. The room seems to drop in temperature. "It depends on what you want to know."

"How much will a reading be?" Jongho cuts across her and the woman doesn't look at him, eyes instead fixated on you. You don't like it at all.

"You have a pretty face, my sweet." The old hag croons, stroking your face with bony, coarse fingers. You resist the urge to scream out loud as ice creeps over in your veins. "I'll give it to you free."

Then a knife flashes out of nowhere.

This time, a scream does leave your lips, but then you realise that she's only hacked off the end of your braid, leaving your hair tumbling around your face to above your shoulders in messy waves. Jongho's hand clenches around the hilt of his cutlass. "One more time, magician, and the next thing getting cut is your neck."

"You young ones are so skittish, like mice..." The wizened crone cackles as she hobbles to the fire, breaking a few twigs and setting them alight in a bowl. A strange, heady fragrance begins to fills the room, the air seeming to thicken as smoke spirals between you. You cough at the smell and spot the fortune teller sniffing your hair appreciatively.

You try your best to force down the bile in your throat.

With the same dagger she'd just used to cut your hair, she stabs an unfortunate rodent from a cage and you wince at its dying shriek. Its blood splatters across the table and seeps into the wood. You wonder exactly how many fortune and deaths it has seen.

The fortune teller then tears a sprig of dried plant from a bundle of herbs. Mistletoe, you recognise from your many lessons with San. She throws it over the fire and holds her hand out expectantly.

"Your finger."

"She's going to take my finger?" You whip around to stare at Jongho in horror, but by then the fortune teller has already grabbed your hand and yanked you forward.

To your relief, she simply pierces the tip of your index and squeezes three drops of your blood into the bowl. Then you hear San in your head lecturing you about the filth and dirt and grime and how you're going to die from a thousand different illnesses and you shrink back into yourself, trying to clean the wound as well as possible as the fortune teller throws in a few strands of your hair, tucking the rest in her sleeves.

The fortune teller suddenly tosses everything in the bowl into the fire and to your shock, the flames turn bright green. You scramble backwards, nearly falling off your chair, but Jongho steadies you by the shoulders, hands warm against your freezing body.

"Watch." He says seriously, and so you do.

The fortune teller leans over the fire, inhaling deeply for a long moment. When she speaks again, her voice is soft, disembodied, as if she is underwater.

"Oh nameless one..."

Your eyes fly wide with shock at her first words. How does she know that you have no name?

"Child of the sea... you're missing something very, very important to you... The secret you keep will ruin the trust you have built..."

Goosebumps prickle on your skin. You thought this witch merely wove fortunes that people wanted to hear, but she seems like so much more than that. Her eyes slowly blink open to stare at you with wide, dark eyes.

"To pass the trial, one must cross into death and awaken in life." The fortune teller shudders, her arms trembling from the effort of holding her trance. "The biggest obstacle to overcome is yourself... I see a jewel resting in a jar of clay... Clay!"

"Clay?" You repeat after her, puzzled, but then she lunges for you before either you or Jongho can react. Her bony hands grab for your collar in a vice grip, her eyes searching your face hungrily. A scream leaves your mouth as you try to pry her from you.

"Let go of him!" Jongho snarls, but the little shack is too small for him to reach around you to remove the fortune teller's hands. The old woman ignores him completely, fingers stroking at your cheeks and nose haphazardly.

"How beautiful you are." She breathes almost reverently, completely ignoring your frantic struggling and fear creeps over your skin. "I never thought it was possible, that I would see one like you... One as perfect as you..."


"What are you saying, you old hag?" Jongho snaps, trying to remove her from you, but her grip on you is surprisingly strong.

"Such a new creation, such a perfect work of art!" The fortune teller almost sobs, and at this point terror seizes you. "I can't believe I got to lay eyes on a vessel that has only existed for a moon!"

Your heart stops beating inside your chest.

Jongho stills besides you, deathly silent. "What did you say?"

"Who made you?" She begs you, shaking you back and forth. You simply stare at her blankly, unable to comprehend what she's saying. Made you? What did she mean, made you? As in your mother? The person who had given birth to you?

As if in answer, the necklace you wear around your neck slips out of your shirt, and everything stands still for a moment.

Maybe it's because you're so close to the fortune teller, but you see every expression that crosses her face. First curiosity, then recognition, then shock. Her eyes fly open, as if she's just been struck by some sort of divine revelation and her pupils instantly dilate with raw fear, the black almost swallowing the brown of her irises.

The fortune teller shrieks and yanks her hands back from you as if she's been burned. "You're one of hers! Leave! Leave before she finds me!" You're too shocked to move.


"Let's go." Jongho urges you, clearly as stunned by the encounter as you are but in control of his wits a million times more than you'll ever be. But you fight your way back to the fortune teller, who's slumped in a pile of rags against the wall.

"Who is she? And what do you mean by 'who made me'?" Your voice cracks at the last question, torment ripping at you from the inside. What did she mean, made?

"Leave me be!" The woman screeches and Jongho claps his hands over his ears. The people walking past outside must think that there's a murder going on. "I have no wish to meet your mistress!"


Desperation snaps in you. You have no idea what she's talking about, but you need answers to the hundred questions spilling over in your mind.

"Answer me or I'll stay here till she comes for you!"

"You fool!" The woman wheezes, curling into a ball. "I am unworthy of looking upon her face, the one who you have made a deal with, the sea witch!"


"What deal?" You snap, furious. The one clue you have to who you are, and she's unwilling to tell you what it is. You made a deal? A deal for what?

Sea witch.

Jongho clearly has had enough of this voodoo talk, because he pulls on your hand a little more insistently. "Come on, let's go."

"How do I find her?" You shout at the fortune teller, as you're dragged out of the shop. "Tell me!"

The old crone meets your gaze one last time, her eyes crinkling with madness. "You don't find her. She finds you!" She cackles aloud, shaking her head and rocking back and forth like a woman possessed. The glint in her eyes has turned crazed, unhinged, completely off her rocker. On the other hand, her voice remains strong and steady.

"But I'll tell you one last thing, my love."

You jerk forward, insistent on hearing whatever her last words are to you.

"You will never find what you so desperately seek as long as you live."

pirate king (pirate!au) ➵ ateez ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin