Chapter five: Don't Worry (half edited ish)

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"Hey Skye! How was your weekend?" Asks Winnie, her blond curls bouncing as she runs up to me.

"Um good, what about you?" I ask.
"I went to my monthly dinner, with my sister and her boyfriend. The restaurant was so good." She exclaims.

"That's nice." I smile.

"My sister brought me a whole bag of clothes that she bought me in New York." She squeals.


Today Winnie is dressed in a blue jean skirt with a pink t shirt. She has on navy blue flats that a bow at the front of each one. She wears her usual necklace that has a W on it and gold stud earrings.
This whole outfit is an example of something I would never wear.

"She also bought me these earrings." She shows off her gold studs.

"Pretty." I half smile.

"I think you would look good with earrings. Why don't you your ears pierced?" She asks me, as we walk to our class.

"I've just never had the money, I guess." I shrug.

"Well I think you would look pretty." Winnie stops outside of our English class.

"Thanks." I smile before walking into class.

My thoughts wander as I sit in class. They drift to Friday night. To Maverick.

"You're perfect Mav." I kiss his cheek.

"Right back at you." He strokes my hair gently.

I lie my head on his chest and smile.
"Tonight was amazing." I tell him in a dreamy voice.

He kisses my head in response.
I trace my fingers along his torso as he softly rubs my shoulder.
It feels like one of those moments that are so perfect, time feels like it's stopped. Everything stands still as you sit in the moment of pure happiness.

"Miss Falls!" A sharp voice breaks my daydream.

I snap back to reality. "Yes!"

"I asked you to read the next paragraph." Mrs. Orion tells me for a second time.

"Yes sorry." I look for the part I'm supposed to read.
Stupid school.


I flop on the couch in Summer and Nick's apartment after school and let out a sigh.

Life is an overload sometimes. I have a science essay due Wednesday and I have to hand in my Social Studies project tomorrow.

"Hey Skye." Nick calls as he comes through the door.


"I have some not so great news." He sighs sitting down beside me.

"What?" I ask even though I probably already know what he's gonna say.

"Mom's back."

"I knew it. I don't want to go back there Nick." I lean over and hug him.

"I know kiddo." He hugs me back.

"I like living here with you and Summer." I say like I do every time I leave.

"Skye just remember, two months. Two months till you'll be free." He reassures me.

"I know." I half smile at him.

"Well we're going to a charity event for Summer's parents tonight. You have to wear something nice." Nick looks at my ripped jeans and black faded tank top.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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