Chapter two: Gone

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I run inside. In the house I don't see Mom. I dash upstairs to my room. I open my door and my brother Nick is sitting in my desk chair.
"Nick! What are you doing here?" I ask giving him a bear hug.
"I've come to rescue you for a while. Your coming to stay with me and Summer." He says hugging me back.
"How come?" I ask letting go of him.
"Well because dear old Mom has disappeared again." He says rolling his eyes.
"How do you know that." I ask dropping my bag on the floor.
"Well I came by to see you. Because originally you were coming over this weekend. So I came to tell you. When I arrived the house was empty. Moms car is gone. In her room her drawers were open and clothes were scattered about. Her suitcase was also gone." He says picking up a pencil and playing with it.
"Ugh I hate it when she does this!" I say throwing myself on my bed.
"I know you do sweetie." He says turning to face me.
Mom has these periods where she finds a guy and she goes off with him then she comes back like a month later.
Sometimes I wish I could just move in with Nick and Summer his girlfriend. It's so much better there. According to the court, Nick has to turn eighteen before he can fight for custody for me. I don't know why but Nicks birthday is in 2 months so I'm counting down the days.
"Kiddo pack up what you want to bring from home. You do already have clothes at the apartment and bathroom stuff. Just pack up like stuff you want that usually goes back and forth." He says still playing with the pencil.
"Ok."I say sitting up from the bed.
I grab another backpack and fill it up with my phone charger and books and my sketch book along with my stuffed bear I've had since I was born. His name is Beary. Then I put in some stuff I want to move for my room there. Finally I zip up the bag and Nick stands up and grabs my school bag for me. We go downstairs and I lock the front door with my key. We get in Nicks truck and start moving away from the curb.
"So how was your first day of school?" Asks Nick getting on to the main road.
"Boring. I mean there is going to be a art competition this year and I got a new art teach." I say fiddling with the music.
"Tell me about this new art teacher?" Says Nick handing me the adapter for my phone to play music.
"She's 23. She graduated a year early from high school. She has a dog and is really good at drawing and art." I say scrolling through my music.
"Interesting. What's her name?" Asks Nick.

"Miss Rainn but she wants us to call her by her first name Layken." I say picking Aneurysm by Nirvana.

"Cool. Is she nice?" Asks Nick bopping his head to the beat of the song.
"Super nice!" I say pretending to play the guitar.
"That's good!" He says.
10 minutes later we arrive at his Apartment building.
Summers parents are both lawyers. They make a lot of money. They bought Nick and Summer their apartment when Nick moved out from the house after graduating from high school. Besides having money they are super nice and caring. They were the ones that got me my phone. They were worried about me walking home from school by myself so they gave me a phone.
Me and Nick go inside and get on the elevator. They live on the 10th floor out of 15. We get off at 10 and walk down the hall to they're apartment. Nick unlocks the door and we go in.
"Bark bark!"
They're puppy Coco comes running up to me. She is a 7 month old chocolate lab.
"Hi Coco!" I say bending down to pet her.
She gives me a big kiss on the cheek.
"Awe your so sweet!" I say patting her head before standing up.
"Hey Skye!" Says Summer coming from the couch.
"Hi Summer." I say giving her a hug.
"Babe can you bring Skye's backpack to her room please." Says Nick giving her a quick peck after we're done hugging.
"Sure Babe." She says taking the bag from Nick.
Me and Summer go down the hallway where the bedrooms are and go in mine.
I already have a room here because I come here quite often because of Moms disappearing acts and for when They can hopefully gain custody of me.
"Skye how are you doing?" Says Summer putting down the bag.
"Ok. School was hell like always." I say sitting on my bed.
"Did you run into Bella?" Asks Summer sitting beside me.
"More like bumped into her. I made her spill her coffee and I had to give her my lunch money." I say looking at my lap.
"I'm sorry. You must be starving if you lost your lunch money." She says with a worried look.
"Eh I'm used to it. At home there isn't usually a lot of food. Somedays I don't even have lunch." I say.
"I'm sorry that you have to live like that. Skye I swear as soon as your brother turns 18 we are fighting for custody." She says wrapping her arms around me.
"Thanks Summer:" I say look up at her.
"Look why don't you get unpacked and I'll fix you up some mac and cheese. How does that sound?" She asks.
"That would be nice." I say with a small smile.
Summer leaves and I unpack the stuff I want to leave here. My room here is pretty simple but I like it. My bed is a white twin day bed that sits along the back wall under a big window. I have a simple white bedside table beside the bed which has a lamp that looks like a can of blue paint is being poured out. Then on the wall across from my bed I have a long white dresser and a simple desk. Over top I have a blue and teal mandala tapestry pinned up. My comforter is a plain teal color with a matching pillow. Then on the wall that has the door has a descent sized white door closet. I have a handle that looks like a paint can for the closet. To top it off I have a teal shaggy rug on the floor and my room is painted a nice gray colour. Also I have fairy lights all along the sides of my window. On the wall with my bedside table I have a whole bunch of my drawings that have a accumulated over the years taped on the wall.
Now yes my room may seem girly but really teal is just my favourite color. Also I think tapestries are cool.
I finish putting my stuff away then go into the living room. Nick is sitting on the couch with Coco in his lap while Summer is in the kitchen that looks into the living room making mac and cheese. I plop down beside Nick on the couch.
"Hey kiddo. You put your stuff away?" Asks Nick looking up from his phone.
"Yeah. I brought more stuff with me that I wanna keep here." I say petting Coco.
"Nice. What did you bring?" He asks.
"Just some more of my old drawing books and some clothes and some books." I say with Coco crawling over to my lap.
"Cool." Says Nick getting up to go to the kitchen.
I pet Coco and play with her while listening to Nick and Summers hushed conversation in the kitchen.
"Babe I'm worried about Skye." Whispers Summer.
"Me too. I don't know how much longer I can handle her living at My Moms house." Whispers Nick.
"She told me that she rarely has food at home." She wispers.
"I know. Moms always drunk or off with some dumbass guy." He wispers.
This goes on for a little longer before Summer calls me that my food is ready. I go and sit down on one of that bar stools. Summer hands me my bowl.
I stab my fork in the mac and cheese and take a bite. Nothing has ever tasted so good since the last time I was here. At home there is usually nothing. I have to save up my money and buy things like poptarts and cup o noodles.
I take another bite with my mouth feeling in heaven.
"So Skye me and your brother have been taking about your situation. We're pretty worried about you." Says Summer leaning against the counter.
"Skye what is a normal day at home like?" Asks Nick wrapping his arms around Summer.
"Well I wake up and get dressed and ready. I go downstairs and Moms usually already had a drink. She yells at me about something random. I usually don't give a shit because I know she will forget about it in the next 10 minutes. I sometimes grab a cold poptart if I have had any money to buy some. Sometimes I don't eat anything. Then I go to school. Sometimes I eat lunch it depends again if I have any money. After school I walk home. Moms usually passed out on the couch or is gone. For dinner I sometimes have cup o noodles if I have bought them in bulk at the dollar store. If I'm out I eat another poptart or have an granola bar. The I go to bed. Moms usually home at like 1 am if she's out. Then I start all over"I say taking another bite.
"Skye that's terrible!" Says Summer.
"Eh I'm used to it." I say shovelling more food in my mouth.
"Skye Summers right. A 15 year old should not have to go through this." Says Nick.
"I guess?" I say clueless.
"Well I have an idea. Me and Nick are going to give you 100 dollars before you go back home. Now we are going to give you it in 10s. You have to spend it wisely. Got it?" Says Summer coming over to me.
"Yep!" I say with a smile.
"Good! Me and Summer just want living at home to be a little better." Says Nick grabbing a coke from the fridge.
"Thanks for the food." I say finishing off the food.
"No problem sweetie." Says Summer taking my bowl and putting it in the sink.
I hop off the seat and go back to the couch and turn on Netflix. I pick a show and start watching. Coco comes and sits down on the couch beside me.
I hear Nick and Summer go down the hall to their room. I take the blanket that's in the corner of the long end of the couch and wrap myself up in it.
As I watch my show I think about where Mom could be. Is she somewhere hot or cold. Probably hot before she got really bad she always loved the heat. Summer was her favourite time of year.
Is she safe? Is she with a bad guy?
I cuddle myself deeper into the couch pulling the blanket around me more. Suddenly I feel a tear slowly fall down my cheek. Why am I crying? I never worry about Mom. Is it because of the last guy she got involved with? He was a stupid piece of shit. His name was Joe. He was super abusive to me and my Mom. Verbally and physically. He used to hit me for no reason. He was always drunk. He used to take his anger out on Mom. One thing I remember the most is that Mom always stayed with him and didn't care that he hit her or me. She finally dumped him when she cheated on him with some guy. I remember I came home from school and I went upstairs and I heard giggling from Moms room. I saw through the crack in the door her kissing some other guy. I ran to my room and didn't come out till school the next day. When I was walking up the sidewalk to our house I saw Joe storm out of the house and get in his truck and drive away really fast. I went inside and found Mom crying on the couch. For some reason I felt just a little sad for her. I remember I dropped my bag on the floor and went over to her and gave her a hug. She whispered in my ear the last words that would ever sound like the beautiful caring Mom she used to be. "It's just you and me baby. Just you and me." She had wispered. That was a line from a song that she had written when I was born. She used to sing it to me every night until things went bad.
That day was the last day I ever heard her sound like that woman she used to be.

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