Chapter 21

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*Rem's P.O.V*
This was it.The final showdown.
I quickly ran and dodged monsters on my way through the building.Everyone seemed to be in a panic and was running for the exit so no one seemed to notice or be concerned with fighting me.

I shivered with disgust and fear as I walked down the hall.This is where I'd been imprisoned and where I'd murdered so many people.At least it'd all be over soon and nothing like this would ever have to happen again.The world could finally be cured and we'd just all live happily ever after.

Chances were the boss would be hiding with September's sister somewhere with security cameras watching the whole fight outside go down.If I remembered correctly the security room was somewhere on the 3rd floor.

I quickly ran up the three flights of stairs that led to the 3rd floor as fast as I could.Once at the top of the staircase I could see the door to the room a step away from me.
It was the only room on the 3rd floor.It was time to fight.This was the fight I'd probably not get away from.
I took a deep breath in and checked all of my supplies.
I had a gun,a knife,some bandages,and,a small bomb.Hopefully all of it would be enough to kill him.
I took a deep breath and walked straight into the security room.

The room was quite large probably as big as a school cafeteria.Although it was mostly empty except for a couple of computers in the corner playing video footage of outside and inside the building.The odd thing was that the lights had been left on but no one was here like I'd thought.
I walked a little further into the room to check what was going on outside and then I heard the door slam shut behind me.Before I had time to turn around and see who was there the room turned pitch black.
He was here.

I quickly pulled out one of my knives.This man had trained me to be an assassin he knew my fighting technique just like I knew his.It was an even match.Sadly he would have the slight upper hand since he had a power and not just any power.I had never witnessed his power firsthand but from what I had heard he had the power of control of air.Although he may have the amazing power he's terrible at hand to hand combat.I'd just have to dodge him until he tires out enough so that he won't use his power.

Before I could think of any sort of strategy I heard a whisper right next to my ear "Welcome back,M3R"
I quickly turned around and stabbed my knife in all directions but hit nothing but air."It's Rem actually I'm not just some lab project"I said "Oh but you are"My bosses voice said from what seemed like all directions.Well he was already using his power of mind manipulation,just amazing.

"Give me the girl boss,she needs to go home"I commanded "Actually I was thinking of keeping her she makes quite a good weapon"

Out of nowhere I felt something grab my leg out of nowhere.It quickly dragged me across the room and coiled itself around me like some kind of snake.I stabbed around my foot hoping to stab something but yet again all I stabbed was air."Let go of me!"I screeched and my boss chuckled.
"You haven't changed a bit Rem,so naive so worthless"

I was quickly held upside down by his invisible powers facing what seemed to be the door.Quickly a figure came into view.He looked just like my old boss except he was wearing some ugly crazy cat mask over his face.So it was him who was in my dreams before."My it had been quite a while"

"Go to hell bitch"I said through gritted teeth.My boss laughed and that's when I realized I had chosen a poor choice of words.Without any hesitation my boss threw me against the floor at breakneck speed.

I instantly heard a small crack and felt a terrible pain in my ribs but it would take more than that to get me."Nice,real nice"I mumbled,I needed to get him talking the more he used his powers to keep me tied up like this the sooner I could get out and stab him.

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