Chapter 4

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*September's P.O.V*
"So where did Hope take Storm?"I asked,Now my quest to find M3r was going to be delayed even more because of Rem! "Well most people who hire other people to kill people are rich and most rich people live in big cities so that means Hope must have taken Storm to a city"Rem said "Ok but witch city did she take her to?"I asked "Do you have a map?"He asked, and I took one of the maps that I had brought with me and gave it to him."Well lucky for me I have a uncle who lives in the town near this forest who used to be an assassin and he used to work for a bunch of rich people in big cities so he can probably tell us where Hope took Storm"He said "Ok how far is it?"I asked "We should be able to reach it by tonight". "Wait a second why are you trying to help me I thought you wanted me dead"I said "I'm not helping you I'm just trying to find out who wants me killed so I can live my life in peace!"He said angrily "And don't think I'm going to be any more forgiving just because I'm helping you!"Rem said as he continued walking along the trail.

"Are we there yet?"I asked,we had been walking for about six hours and we were out of the forest now and in a small deserted neighborhood except for one house that was playing music on full blast and I could hear people screaming and dancing inside "Yeah that's the house right there the one that's playing music really loud"He said."Also I can't go with you because if my uncle sees me Its gonna be a whole lot of hugging and I hate hugs so just tell him you know me and he'll know what to do he can read minds literally"Rem said walking towards the house "But where will you be and who is your uncle?"I asked nervously "I'll be in the house pretending to be a person at the party and you'll know my uncle when you see him or he will more likely know you so get going we don't have all day"he said going into the house through the window.I walked up to the house and knocked on the door no one answered so I let myself in,I saw Rem in the corner drinking some beer and talking to someone,if I wasn't pretending to not know him I would've smacked that beer out of his hand and scolded him for being so irresponsible but I kept looking for his uncle "Hey are you looking for me?" I quickly turned around and saw a man in his thirties,he was skinny and had short curly brown hair and cloud white eyes just like Rem's although he wasn't a shadow he was a human he was wearing a white shirt and sandals with socks."Uh are you Rem's uncle?"I asked "Oh please forgive me sometimes I forget I'm the only one who can read minds I'm Rodger and you must be September right?"he said "Yeah so then you know what I'm here for?"I said "Yep I can't believe Hope would take your sister that's very unlike her"He said "So you know Hope then?"I asked "Yeah Hope,Rem,and I used to be good friends by the way where is Rem?"He asked "He's not here right now"I lied. "You do realize I can read minds right?"He said "Yeah but Rem would kill me if he found out I told you anything"I said "Forget Rem I'll deal with him later but you wanted to know where Hope took your sister correct?"He said "Yes please I need to know where she took her!". "Hope is flying to New York and she's taking Storm to the Empire State Building"He said "How do you know that?"I asked "She asked me if I wanted to help her but I said no because I knew she wanted to kill Rem and we're family so it would be kind of awkward"."I just have one more question has Rem always been such a mean trash bag?"I asked "Rem's been that way for a long time heck he hasn't smiled since..."He said "Anyways can you tell me where Rem is I haven't seen him since he was little".

"Rem I haven't seen you in forever!"Rodger said hugging Rem tightly Rem looked at me and made the "Your dead" sign with his hands "Good to see you too uncle Rodger but uh I can't breathe"Rem said and Rodger let go of him "What happened to your leg?"He asked "Hope dropped me from like 50 feet in the air so it's kind of hard to not break something"He said and up until now I hadn't noticed Rem had his leg in a splint until now. "Anyways can we stay the night?"Rem asked "Of course, you guys can share the room upstairs"He said and Rem and I walked up the stairs together "So your uncle likes parties?"I asked "Yeah he has a party almost every Sunday but his parties are pretty great". "Anyways here's the room it's small but at least it has two beds"he said and he was right the room was small there was nothing else in the room except two beds it must have been some sort of storage room.But I didn't care after sleeping outside for 2 years any bed was fine with me I didn't even care that I was still wearing my jacket I just laid down on the bed and fell asleep.

I quickly bolted upright I was sure I'd heard something fall downstairs something or someone was inside the house or maybe it was just Rodger or Rem but still after Storm had been taken I wasn't taking any chances.I grabbed my pocket knife from my pocket and walked downstairs "Who's there?"I whispered "It's me and I would appreciate it if you put the pocket knife away!"Rem whispered back. "So you were the one making all the noise?"I asked "Yeah I accidentally fell down the stairs, turns out it's hard to walk down stairs with a broken leg"He said "Why didn't you ask for help and wait why are you up in the first place?"I asked "I was just making a midnight snack Jesus Christ"He said although I could tell he was lying.I turned on the kitchen lights and I was right Rem was lying he wasn't eating food he was drinking coffee."What are you doing it's 3am?!"I whispered as I slapped the coffee out of his hands "Hey what was that for!?"he asked "Don't you understand this is serious!we have to wake up early tomorrow so we can go look for my sister and your staying up late at night and who knows how far we have to walk tomorrow your going to be exhausted!"

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