Chapter 60: Moving In

Start from the beginning

"If that is two children, we have about seven more beds to fill,"

"Will you accept Jordan?" Regina speaks up immediately. The last thing she wants is the young genie to be anywhere near Sidney Glass. The man is completely insane and obsessive, the most unfit to be a parent of all; why she ever kept him around as her companion in the magic mirror still baffles her to this day. She also assumes that the fairies can protect Jordan's magic lamp so there are no further mishaps like the CJ incident.

"Certainly," Nova says, speaking out instead of Blue. The head fairy glares at the impulsive Pink, but then sighs, nodding in agreement.

"How about it, Allie?" Tallia asks. "Want to be roomies like at Auradon?"

"If it's okay," the timid blonde asks.

Blue nods, knowing that this shy girl would not cause harm to anyone.

"Ruby and Anxelin might be a good choice too," Ben offers helpfully.

"Finally, we'll have more people to help us braid our hair," Anxelin says.

"Yes," Ruby agrees.

"Freddie?" Mal offers.

The voodoo girl shrugs. "Well, I'm not going back in the lamp."

Blue twitches nervously, not liking the idea of a dark voodoo apprentice being in the holy convent, but perhaps they could also help her control her magic and use it responsibly. The head of the convent just nods in agreement.

"And I guess Melody and Arabella can finish that up," Mal says.

The mermaid sisters shrug, deciding it's better than sleeping in a fish tank. The two cousins go over to stand with the rest of the group.

"We'd rather sleep on a ship," Jonas shouts out. "Not in some hippie hotel or convent."

"Yeah," a bunch of Uma's crew shouts in agreement.

Regina looks at Killian.

"Is The Jolly Roger an option?"

Killian bites his lip extremely hard, hesitating to let these rowdy bunch of teenagers anywhere near his ship. Emma can feel the tension in his body and wraps her arm around him.

"I can put a protection spell on it, she won't get a scratch. And I'll make sure that only you can sail her."

Killian is still dragging his feet, but in the end, it would be better to have the pirates where they are most comfortable and to keep them all into one place.

"If they promise to keep her in ship shape," he finally says. "The barracks will be available." He grinds his teeth and subtly flashes his hook at the group. He gives them a sharp look of disdain and anger, telepathically telling them that if they step out of line, they would regret it. He knows his place is at home with Emma and their little sea jewel, but The Jolly Roger was his second home, had been for more than 200 years. Even back when she was the Jewel of the Realm and he sailed with his brother. She had seen everything from typhoons to Kraken attacks, surely, she could remain floating even if she was the home of some teenagers for a short amount of time.

"That takes care of them, but Harry and CJ, you're welcome to stay at our place," Emma offers, not really sure why she's being so accommodating to their "alternate" children. They felt very little paternal or maternal instincts towards the rebellious offspring of Captain Hook, but the Saviour could sense that the two were just scared and needed a helping hand right now. She could see the lost look that she had had at that age, fear of being alone and not caring because the world didn't seem to give them a break.

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