Hime 1: Scout.

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My name is Inoue Chiyo, I live with my stepmother and 2 stepsisters. My mother died because of an illness and my dad remarried my stepmom when I was 10, but years later, he also died because of an illness too causing me be stuck with them. My stepsisters treats me very badly the same goes for their mom. I don't hate them and I don't like them either. I'm rather thankful that they haven't kicked me out yet. My life is very similar to Cinderella but I don't believe in such fairy tales. Now I am in high school, I have to focus and get a decent job in the future... But there's someone who kept on bugging me. His name is Kise Ryota, he is known for his basketball and modelling. I don't really care about that either. He still won't leave me alone. My guess is that I am the only female that don't fawn over him. It has been 2 months since I entered Kaijo High.

Hime 1: Scout

I woke up in the morning earlier than everyone. I opened the curtains, Even the sun haven't risen yet. I took a quick shower and wore my uniform. I combed my coffee brown hair and went down stairs to make breakfast for four people, my stepmom and 2 stepsisters and me. I ate my food and washed the dishes. After that I cleaned the living room because of their mess last night. I fed my pet bunny, Cooper whose my only companion in the house. Then I went upstairs and went to my stepsisters room to wake them up.

"Miko, Mika, breakfast is ready." I called out. Then I went to my stepmothers room "Hayaka-sama please wake up, breakfast is ready." She told me to put -sama on her name or else. I went to my room and prepared everything, homework and other textbooks. My step sisters and I go to the same school but were in different classes. I'm in A and they are in C. I walked back downstairs quietly not disturbing them and left.

"What a nice weather~" I said to myself as a breath the fresh air.

"-cchi!!" I heard a loud voice. I have a very bad feeling.

"Chiyocchi!" I turned and there the annoying kinpatsu waving his hand as if like he wants to be rescued. Its SOS sign.

"What?" I asked as I walked faster.

"Ohayoū!" He said catching up to me.


"Ne ne"

" Nani?"

"Can you teach me English?"

"How in the world did you get in Class A?!"

"I don't know"

"No way. Ask someone else."

"Eeh?? Chiyocchi! Hidoi ssu!" He cried.

"Ja~ Gambatte." I said and fastened my pace.

I arrived in my class and students were already in their groups. Well me? I have one. She's my only childhood friend. Fukui Ayame.

"Ohayoū Chiyo-chan~! She greeted.

"Ohayoū." I greeted back and sat down behind her.

"Did kise-kun pest you again?" She asked.

"Yes. How did you know?"

"There irritation in your voice." She said and winked.

"Hmm.. Sugoi." I said

"C'mon do you know how long I've know you?" She questioned.

"13 years 6months 5weeks 3days and 8hours." I clearly stated.

"Correct!" She giggled. Then the teacher came in with kinpatsu. We started English first and we had a test. Perfectly ready.

Time Skip: Obento time.

Me and Ayame are at the classroom to eat obento to survive the rest of the day.

"What do you have?" Ayame asked

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