Chapter 2: The Offer

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Alfea - 7th September

"Thank you, Saladin. I owe you." As soon as Faragonda got off the phone with Saladin, she informed the rest of the staff of the decision she made with Kaneki.

"A teaching assistant? I suppose that would be the best course of action."

"It would." Wizgiz nods. "Ghoul are 8 times stronger than the average human so he won't struggle against the students."

"He'll stay here for a week. Palladium, can you take him to the city for clothes and supplies?"

"I'd be honoured but what of Wizgiz? Should he not be the one to go?"

"I mentioned this earlier but I can't fathom why he was the one summoned, it doesn't make sense so I need Wizgiz to reexamine his knowledge of ghouls. No matter how small it may seem, please investigate further."

"I'll leave no stone unturned," Wizgiz assures.

"There's another thing we should be worried about," Griselda pipes up. "Since that boy was summoned we may have to deal with the summoner. Despite the lack of knowledge about summoning, someone still went through the trouble of researching, procuring ingredients and going through with a ritual. I doubt whoever went through such a painstaking ordeal will stop just because he or she failed."

"Will we be prepared against such a person?"

"I doubt we'll have to worry. Honestly, I believe the summoner isn't even that powerful just a determined researcher," Wizgiz assures which does soothe the worries of his colleagues. 

"We should still stay on guard," Faragonda warns. "I'll update our guest with everything."

"I never actually caught his name. What is it?" Palladium is met with a sheepish grin and promptly shakes his head. What else should he have expected?

"Speaking of which, where is he?"

"In the magic archive. I have him researching a way to return, but the research may also him learn about our world. The more he learns, the less suspicious he will seem to others. Now, that everything has been sorted, we should focus on getting Alfea back on track in time for the new year."

Night - Outside

After hours of painstaking research, Kaneki was able to narrow down about five books that focus on summoning or dimension travel. Unfortunately, he wasn't allowed to take most of those books out so no night research in his temporary room.

However, Faragonda contacted the duo while in the archive and faxed over some papers such as his work contract, rules and regulations of Red Fountain, a map and some fake papers.

He didn't expect a magic school to still use printers and faxes although he supposes that students still need to hand in physical work.

Kaneki examines the map Faragonda sent before taking a left down the hall and ends up in the courtyard. The soft breeze ruffles his bangs and he brushes away the strands out of his eyes when he spots something not too far off. A broad figure with yellow skin and blue overalls was watering a bed of flowers. Despite there only being a few flowerbeds, the sweet fragrance was strong enough to tickle his nose.

As if sensing his gaze, Knut turns around and spots Kaneki who he deduces as the stranger from the forest. Knut waves as he strolls over to Kaneki who doesn't know what to do next. 

"Hello," Knut greets kindly.

"Oh, hi," Kaneki responds.

"You were that injured boy, weren't you? What are you doing here?"

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