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Everything was silent in the TARDIS, except for the low hum of energy that radiated from the very core of the ship - but that was background noise after so many months of travelling. Yazmin had always slept like she was dead and so she woke slowly, realising something was different before she fully opened her eyes. The mattress dipped just a little more than usual behind her.

She wasn't naked, she noted to her own surprise, and this was very much her own room on board the TARDIS. She was wearing her old pyjama bottoms without the top or anything to protect her modesty other than the sheet covering her. She tried to work out who she'd taken to bed with her last night.

Please don't be Ryan.

The boy was like a brother to her. She couldn't have fucked this up that much, could she? Oh god - what if she was laying with some weird alien creature? How would she explain that to her friends in the morning? The doctor would be so disappointed in her.

Yasmin stayed frozen and took a deep breath in, before turning slowly to see who was laying behind her.

Definitely not Ryan.

A disaster of blond hair rested on the pillow next to her. The doctor looked practically biblical. Still for once, her eyelashes fluttering as she dreamed and her lips looked more swollen than usual. Yaz had definitely spent enough time focusing on those lips to notice the difference.

She was in bed with the Doctor.  She was half naked and in bed with the Doctor. Oh fuck.

"Morning " Yaz whispered, unsure if her voice was even audible. She had no idea what else to say.
The doctor just sighed sleepily, and wriggled closer, her leg brushing against Yaz's. Yasmin's heart definitely missed a beat. She wanted to say something- anything to understand what had happened last night. She just kept staring at the Doctor.


Brown eyes flickered open and starred into her own. Yaz swore she could see galaxies in them.

"What did we do?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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