Arjun: but her face??

Sanskar: that's only confusing me?
Then Arjun sees a mark near her neck. Sanskar notice him.

Sanskar: what?
Arjun: what's that mark near her neck.
Sanskar also sees this.
Arjun ask the wardboy to bring gloves. He gave it. Arjun wear it and examine carefully. As he touched skin,it started to remove from side..

Arjun( shocked ) what the hell??
Sanskar: what's this?
Arjun : it's a MASK!!..

Sanskar : what?????
Arjun nods and he carefully removed the mask. And as expected it was revealed someone else leaving them totally shocked.

Sanskar: DAMN IT!!! I was right!

Arjun:( angry on wardboy) when this happened? How the body was switched.

Wardboy: I don't know sir.

Arjun came out with Sanskar. Arjun was angry on officers for carelessness. He was scolding them.
Officers: but sir, we are here since morning, we didn't see anyone going inside or coming out. Dr. Sinha did postmortem in early morning and then body was shifted here.
Arjun: then how the he this happened?

Sanskar: one minute Arjun, I think Kavita has done it before postmortem only. Or now I have even a doubt too, was postmortem even done? There is definitely someone who is helping her, and he is around us.

Arjun: yeah you r right. now Dr. Sinha have to answer.

" Where is Dr. Sinha" Arjun ask to one wardboy.

He lead them to Dr. Sinha cabin.

Arjun: hello Dr. Sinha, I m ACP Arjun shekhawat and this is Sanskar Maheshwari.. I want to ask some questions about about Kavita case.

Dr. Sinha get little bit uncomfortable. Sanskar and Arjun both notices it.

Dr. Sinha: but I have already given reports to inspector. Then what do u want to ask more.

Arjun: Dr. Sinha, I need some answers but I think u r not ok with it.
Sanskar: why are u sweating Dr. When ur cabin is fully air conditioned.
Dr. Sinha: nothing like that, I m ok. U can ask what u want.

Arjun:( calmly with attitude) so Dr. Sinha, how do you prepare fake reports?

Dr. Sinha:( angry) what the..? What are u asking? Why will I prepare fake reports?

Arjun: so u r saying u prepared true reports of Kavita dead body And this is the copy right?

Dr. Sinha sees the papers and nods.
Arjun: hmm ,so according to this report, Kavita was shot on her left side in stomach. Right?

Dr. Sinha nods

Arjun: but Dr. She was shot on right side according to me.

Dr. Sinha: what r u saying ? I have checked it and prepare reports..

Arjun: that's only I m saying how u prepare fake reports?

Dr. Sinha: officer, u r crossing ur limits?
Arjun:oh, am I? But what to do, I love to do that. And Dr. She was shot on right side , u might be thinking, how can be I so sure? Right?

Dr. Sinha said nothing.

Arjun: Sanskar only shoot her.

Dr. Sinha:( shocked) what??

Sanskar: yes Dr. ,And as if I
remember,I shot her in right side then how her wound shift from one side to another. Arjun , I think medical science really developed a lot. Otherwise how can it happen? Or u know some magic Dr.?

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