3. For You

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"Are you sure Farah?" I asked still hoping for the good.

"Yes. I have to do this. Atleast now." I could see the wetness in her eyes as she held up her head straight.

"Okay." I fixed my sight on the road drenched in my own thoughts.

Problem was not the fact that she was upto meet up her long love Rehan. But the time she had chosen for it.

Right after our engagement!

I had known her since my childhood. We grew up playing together. Even our families are so close there was always a void between us that we never talked about our personal life.

I like her. A lot..

But it was not me who initiated this whole wedding thing. My parents did. I knew her first reaction on this news would hurt me as I was aware about her non existing feelings for me.

An intuition inside me always said she had someone else in her mind. But never expected she would ask me to help her reach her love.

Farah could have disclosed this matter on the very time of all those discussions were going to stick us together. Or atleast on the day of engagement which was exactly the previous day.

To be honest, Farah surprised me. Always. Her behaviour, decisions, choices.. everything.

She is brave enough to say and do things in her own way never considering a second thought whether it would hurt anyone, even her beloved ones.

Maybe that's the best thing one could do to oneself. But that's something I can't. I had always sacrificed my dreams running behind the things my parents suggest.

And guess what. I ended up having the best. Cause I know my parents would give me the best of all.

That same self brought me to let her have what she wished for. To let her go.

If it's Rehan, that's okay!

"Wafee.." her voice interrupted my train of thoughts.


"Are you.. are you okay with this? I mean.. you doesn't seem so." I could sense the regret in her tone.

"Ofcourse not! I can't be happy and you know that. It's not like I don't want you to be with someone whom you love. But the fact this is going to hurt our families is driving me crazy Farah."

"I'm sorry Wafee. For dragging you into this."

"You could have told them Farah. They don't deserve this." I tried to avoid any eyecontact with her that I knew it would make the situation worse.

"Even you don't deserve this." She whispered.

Then why you are doing this? I wanted to ask. But I didn't.

"Are you sure he would be there at this time?" I enquired to change the stressful air.

"Yeah. He used to work at nights."


"Actually.. Rehan was not that important to me. I thought it was just an attraction. But now that, I can't forget him and finally made up my mind to confess this."

I sighed hearing her. "It's okay Farah. Some people may take time to grasp what they actually want."

It was then I felt her cold hands over mine. "Wafee."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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