"You're what? I'm not a goddamn child John! You can't just get custody of me! That's bullshit," she yelled and kicked the car door out of frustration.

"But you keep acting like one! And I can... The court has decided it and I tried to prevent the bigger damage but this time you won't get out of this! I have been watching you for far too long. They wanted to throw you into a mental institution and rehab. I just agreed to take care of you instead," he said, barely holding the tears back.

"I don't need your help. I'm perfectly fine on my own... I always have been," she said and he laughed bitterly.

"That's why we're in front of a police station at eleven in the evening..."

"You didn't have to come. Could have just left me in there," she said and he regretted not stepping in sooner. He should have done something months ago...

"Well, I did because I care about you, Missy. That's why I'm doing all of this. Do you think I find it funny to dedicate my entire life to you? Because that's what I'm going to do from now on. I'll watch after you like I'd do with a child."

Missy huffed at the words and she felt tears welling up in her eyes.

"I want to talk to my parents," she said, hoping to talk some sense into them so they would convince John to let her go. They always did. They are weak when it comes to her, she had always used it to her advantage.

"Your dad was the one to propose to mental treatment and rehab. I could convince him to file for guardianship instead. If it wasn't for me you'd be in a mental hospital right now," he said and she felt her last hope of getting out of this die.

When the realization hit, she just screamed. She didn't know what else to do. Her entire life, she had been able to do whatever the heck she wanted and it didn't sit well with her that it would be over.

"Enough, Missy. I'll drive us home and then we can have a talk... when you have calmed down," he said and just started driving, ignoring the screams emerging from Missy's lips. He needed to be strong for her. She needed someone to be strong for her. Once in her life she didn't need to be the strong one.


John had somehow got Missy into the house without too much trouble but once she was inside, he found it difficult to keep her under control. She was pacing up and down the living room and looked like a ticking time bomb. Because that's what she was, wasn't it? A ticking time bomb that could explode any minute now. John knew this wasn't over yet. Missy had just been too tired and sober to fight.

Her eyes were red from crying and her hands were shaking, probably from the lack of alcohol in her system.

"Missy please sit down..." he said, hoping he could have an adult conversation with her but he should have known better.

"I need a drink," she said and went straight to his whiskey.

"No. No alcohol for you. This is going to be just like rehab. You won't touch it," he said, taking the liquor from her before she could drink any.

"Come on, John. This shit is hell already! You can at least give me something to numb the pain!" she said and he knew that this was going to be a long and hard journey.

"No, Missy. We're doing this the right way. I won't have you drunk ninety percent of the time. You'll be sober for this," he said and saw the anger rise in her eyes. She was going to throw another one of her famous tantrums.

With a sudden movement she smashed one window from his cabinet and screamed, hitting everything within her reach. "Here we go," John said, surprised it took her so long.

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