Internet Lovers

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Was this a good idea? I mean I never trust sites like this and people usually lie about who they are. Maybe I should do the same as everyone else does. My friend Sophie told me to do this.. it's so stupid. I typed the details into the slots. I thought of the best lies I could.

Name: Abi

Age: 24

Location: Plymouth

Hobby: Music

Favourite food: Pizza

Want in a man?: Cute, sweet, gentleman

I read over it again and again before pressing enter. I sighed to myself thinking of what people would want me. I mean I'm not 24 believe me, I'm only 17 but my friend wanted me too. And no I don't do everything she tells me! It's because she got her boyfriend off there who's the same age. I told her not to do things like that but shes stupid as. I leaned back in my chair and watched the screen. Nothing was happening. Maybe it takes awhile.. After a couple minutes I decided to  make myself some food and a cup of tea.

~A couple hours later~

It was nearly midnight and I walked back over to my laptop. I sat in the seat and placed my tea next to it. Unlocking my laptop, I noticed that I had some messages from men. Wow.. I didn't think I'd get any to be honest. I clicked on the first one and read through it. He seemed quite nice. I decided to look at his profile.

Name: Rickie

Age: 26

Location: America

Hobby: Music, Guitar

Favourite food: Hot Dogs

Want in a girl?: Kind, confident, positive

He really sounded like a decent man. Only thing is that hes in America. I sighed decided to reply to the message.

Me: Hiya Rickie, sorry for the late reply.. I was eating some food ^-^

Him: Np hun :) Glad I can talk to you now thou

Me: Great! What would you like to talk about?

Him: Tell me about yourself? Maybe meet each other in real life?

Me: But don't you live in America?

Him: Well, I'm actually in Plymouth now with my band... maybe we could meet up tomorrow moring?

Me: Wow! Thats awesome.. Um sure I guess, I don't mind really.. What time?

Him: Lets say about 9 and we can get brunch?

Me: Okay, cool :) Meet you in town by the sundail?

Him: Sure hun ;) See you tomorrow, Gotta sleep now x

Me: Sees ya! x

I let out a breath and thought to myself. Did I just arrange a date with a random dude named Rickie? Holy fucking shit! I bit my lip then gulped down my tea. Nerves hit me hard making me feel scared. Well I swear I'm a dumb fuck! It'll probably be fine.. Ok.. I'll be able to do this. I calmed myself down and threw myself on my bed.

~The next day~

I woke up slowly and grabbed my phone. 8:25AM. Shit! I woke up late! I quickly scrambled out of my bed and ran around for clothes. I decided to wear my black skinny jeans, Bring Me The Horizon band tee with my black converses and red beanie. Once I finished cleaning myself up there was a beep from my laptop. I ran over and checked it, another message from Rickie.

Him: Hey! I have black fluffy hair btw! So you know who I am ;) x

I smiled at his message then quickly ran down the stairs. Aw! Black fluffy hair! How adorable!! Shame I can't be with him like he probably wants. I grabbed my phone and ran out the house quickly. Luckily I only lived about 30 odd minutes away from town. I ran as fast as I could to town to see him. I barely know him but I guess we could be friends.

~30 minutes~

I finally made it and I pulled out my phone. 8:58AM.. I only just made it! I scanned the crowds for fluffy black hair but I couldn't actually see him. I frowned slightly thinking he didn't come at all. Maybe he decided not to see me... I let out a sigh of relief. I looked around a second time and noticed his hair. He looked pretty cute actually. He didn't look 26 at all.. More like 19-20 sort of area. I looked at him curious and slowly walked up to him. He had a band tee on too. He like punk as well? I walked a bit faster until I was behind him. I took a deep breath and gathered all my courage. I can do this. I lifted my hand and gently tapped his shoulder. He turned to face me.

"Um hiya.. Rickie if thats your real name" I said a little shyly. He smiled at me.

"Well it's actually Billie and I'm guessing your name ain't Abi ethier" He answered back with a charming smile. I bit my lip nervously.

"Yeah.. um my names actually Marci" I told him looking into his eyes.

"Thats a beautiful name, we also lied about our age too, I'm actually 19" He said to me placing a hand on my cheek. I smiled more.

"I'm actually 17" I said to him truthfully. He nodded then looked me up and down.

"You look quite adorable and so my type babe" He just called me babe! Oh my!! I'm being so girly in my head!! I smiled and raised my eyebrow.

"Thank you Billie, your quite hot yourself" I complimented back. He chuckled and took my hand before I could say anything else.

"Thanks, lets go get that brunch I promised.. maybe get to know each other better?" He asked with a smile. I nodded quickly in response and I let him take me on our first date together. Just me and him.

(Made another one shot!

This one just came to me!

Later Ragers! ~Rage)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 ⏰

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