Feelings For The Bully?

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At every school you will be bullied or be the bully but I would never do that to someone. Anyway my bully is called Billie Joe Armstrong. I don't get why he picked on me... People say bully's do what they do because of things that are happening at home or something along he lines of that and sometimes not. But the thing I do not get with Armstrong is that we're into the same things. The way we dress, music taste, love for guitars. Yet he still hates me! His blonde friend Mike is a sweet guy. I bumped into him on my first day here while going to the music room and he showed me the way. He introduced me to Billie Joe and from then on the bullying started. Mike never joins in, I don't even think he knows what Billie does or says to me.

It's five minutes to the end of the day when I can finally get home from the stress of school. When the bell finally rings I jump on to my feet and quickly grab my bag running to the door. If i get out quick enough I might just be able to miss Armstrong... I thought to myself as I got through the door to see that the opposite classroom had already left. Fuck! I looked up and down the crowded corridor and didn't see him. Maybe he has finally stopped? Oh I only hope so.

I finally got out of school away from the still crowded corridors and I made my way out of the school gate. I had a slight smile on my face because Armstrong hasn't turned up. I walked down the street heading towards my house. I smiled to myself walking.

A old car slowed down on the road, going my speed. I turned my head to the side to look and i saw that it was Armstrong in his car. He rolled down the window and turned his head to face me.

"Emily?" He asked, I nodded in response. "Get in" He added. What... Do I get in or not? He's my bully why would he give me a lift? I thought and i nodded again and slowly walked over. Opening the door, he turned back to look out of the front window. I sat down closing the door behind me. He started to drive...

To be fair I was quite scared to be honest. What is he doing? He drove down the hill and turned right. He knew where i lived, I think from Mike or one of his friends.The drive was quite slow. I'm quite shocked that Armstrong doesn't speed or crash into anything. He turned into my drive way and parked. I can't just leave the car without asking him.

"W-why?" I asked turning my head to look at him, he was already looking at me.

"Because I've realized something..." He stated looking into my eyes. I looked away from his eye's down to my lap. "...That the way I've treated someone, someone like you was wrong" He added. I looked up at him, he was still looking at me the same but with a hint of a smile. And he has finally thought it was wrong to beat up a girl and call her names everyday at school.

"I like you, more than a bully should, more than anyone should" He said and took my hand quickly. He smiled at me and i did a tiny smile back. He leaned closer to me, i could feel his breath on my neck. It was warm. He lightly pressed his lips on to mine and started to kiss me. After a couple of seconds i kissed back. To what seemed like a long kiss that could of lasted forever he pulled back and took my hand.

"Be my girlfriend?" He asked and i nodded. "I'm sorry about everything before... One more thing darling, the things at school, they might not change because of everyone..."

(My one shot! ~Holmes!)

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