Chapter 9

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And even more snow.

That was what everyone in the gang could only see for miles. Pumpkin was carrying them to the mountains of Nieve, where they needed to obtain an ice shard from the snow queen that lives in the peaks of the valleys.

Rumors were heard about the woman.

"I heard that Queen Kara could pierce through your heart with only a wave of a finger." Galaxy shook at the thought of it.

"You should worry about freezing to death than impalement by her. It's s-so damn cold!" Victor said as he grabbed blankets from his bag. "Let's j-just get this over with."

"What are you guys talking about? I feel fine!" Squiggly grinned widely.

"That's because you told us that you live in ZheTklaka, which is basically, the cold itself. YOU'RE USED TO IT. EVERYONE ELSE ISN'T. Seriously, how are you not shivering with that tank top?" Swiblet asked.

"I'm surprised that you have feathers, yet you say you're cold."

"Well, excuse me for not being born a penguin or a puffin." The duck said sarcastically.

"Um, guys?" Pumpkin butted in the conversation.

"What?" The warriorress and the soon-to-be knight said at the same time in an annoyed tone.

"We're here."

The four saw a huge castle, embroidered in icicles and snow galore. The crystals were glimmering in the bright sunlight. Along with the ginormous building were small snow towns with snowcitizens, with their coal eyes and smiles.

Galaxy spotted one passing through and tapped him by the shoulder.

"Excuse me, is there any way we can see the queen? It's very important that we talk to her." 

"You could try, but it'll be hard getting through her. My little brother tried to convince her to make summer a national holiday!"



The gang had a concerned look on each of their faces, now considering if going up to Kara was the right choice.

The doors to the castle were like diamonds, shiny and glowing with the sun's radiant glare.

Swiblet reached out to open them, but hesitated.

What if he and other people get killed for something he did?

He thought about the dream he had. He disappointed his friends. He disappointed hiis family. He disappointed everyone he loved.

Victor placed a warm hand on his cold, feathery shoulder.

"We're gonna make it through this. You have us to back you up."

As the doors opened, standing on the balcony inside the building was a woman with pink hair tied back in a ponytail, hazel eyes, and very pale skin. She wore a blue dress complimented with white wolf fur on the sleeves. 

Queen Kara of Nieve Mountains.

"Ah! What a pleasant surprise! I suppose you've come here to play!" The royal giggled mischievously.

"Your Highness." Swiblet said as he, and his team, bowed to her. "I came to ask a request. Prince Charlie has requested me to obtain an ice shard from your castle. Please."

Kara rudely walked past him and swiped the orb away fron Vic.

"Ooh! What's this? It looks pretty!!"

"Hey! Give that back! It's not a toy!" The mage tried to reach out to get it back, but despite being taller than the queen, she slid under him, making Vic trip over his feet and fall face flat on the cold ice.

"I wanna keep it!"

"You can't do that! The Prince requested that too!" Hailey retorted.

"AND who's gonna STOP me, sir?" Kara teased while sticking out her toungue.

"Sir?" Hailey could feel her eye twitch in annoyance.

"Oh! Young duckling. You say you wanted a crystal shard? Well, you're going to have to earn it. IN A LITTLE CHALLENGE I HAD PREPARED FOR YOU."

Swiblet looked confused as he uttered out.

"I'm sorry, what?"

A Mallard Knight in Waiting (Swiblet Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora