Chapter 2

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(Yes i drew the picture on top) 

"Wait, you said you were from Lumious City? That's almost halfway across the land! Is there anyone taking care of you on this journey?"

"Well, not at the moment! I came looking for my grandfather! In the meantime, I'll follow you!" Galaxy chirped as she bowed in a formal manner. "Oh wise sensei, where will the winds of fate take you now?"

"Sensei? N-no, i think you got it all wrong." Swiblet tried to explain, but he saw how much hope and faith she had in him. It was almost like she wanted him to teach her instead of being forced to just because he saved her life.

It was almost.......


Not in a creepy way, of course..

"Well, the first thing to do is get some food! Then, it's on to the Knight's Tournament!" He said as he marched onto the bakery.

The aroma of fresh pastries from the oven filled the atmosphere. Swiblet paid for a loaf of bread. Galaxy paid for a sweet cinnamon cake and a couple of chocolate chip cookies. They both walked out, only to find a man with brown hair, hazel eyes, and a cloak. It seems like he was trying to perform magic, but failing miserably.

"Woah. What is that strange guy doing?" The small girl asked the duck while both sitting down on a tree stump nearby.

"Oh, that's Victor. He comes from a family who practice magic. But it looks like he isn't doing so well."

Galaxy's eyes gleamed once again.

"Man, is she ever unhappy?" Swib thought to himself.

"Glorious! So he is some sort of sorcerer?"

"Um, not exactly." The duck and the girl turned to see Victor sitting next to them. He was so quiet they didn't even notice. "Technically, I'm a mage. Not a good one though. Is she new?" The mage points at Galaxy. The girl stood up and walked over to Vic. "Fascinating! So what do you use to cast these spells, great and powerful?"

"Great? Powerful? Well, this staff was handed down to me by my father. Unfortunately, I don't think it wants to cooperate with me." He threw his staff on the ground so hard that it would have broken. "It's hopeless."

Swiblet patted Victor on the back as an attempt to comfort him. "Hey. Didn't you tell me once that McKnights never gave up? They prevail, even when the times get tough." He split his loaf of bread and hands it to his friend. "And even if they do, the people around them are always there to help?" Victor gave the duck a reassuring smile as he geabbed onto the piece of bread and took a bite.

(1 hour later)

Charlie the Fifth, a noble squire, came up to the stage. Beneath him were thousands of people and a duck. "Ladies and gentleman. I have come forth to announce that the Knight's Selection Tournament will begin in a moment. The rules are as follows."

Four servants carry a bag and dropped it in the middle of the crowd, revealing all sorts of weapons. Hammers, swords, and gauntlets galore. "You will choose your weapon of desire to only defend yoursef. We would nit want any corpses on the arena, thank you very much. No extra weapons would be allowed and cheating is strictly prohibited. Now, select your weapon."

Swiblet rummaged through the pile to find an axe. He reached out for it, but another hand beat him to it. He looked to see a woman with short blue hair and hazel eyes. She had an armorplate wth spikes on one shoulder and a wolf's coat on the other. Only one word came out of her.

"Don't stand in my way."

Swiblet flinched as he continued to look. After what seemed like an eternity to him, he finally found something that caught his attention.

A silver sword.

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