Can winked at them. Ae's mom rolled her eyes in disbelief.

"You really are one crazy kid!"


Ae didn't find Pete in the kitchen so he proceeded to his room.

He slowly open the door and saw Pete seated on the bed, back behind the doors. He noticed that his shoulders was shaking and there were quiet sobs coming from him. Worry took over that he immediately run to Pete and kneel infront of him, giving the other no chance to hide his tear-strickened face.

"My adorable angel, why are you here? And why are you crying?"

Ae asked while holding Pete's face. Pete just looked down, surprised but did not answer.

"My Pete, please tell me what's wrong?"

Pete didn't know how to respond. How can he tell his P'Ae that he is hurting, so much. Seeing Can hugging him, knowing Can is staying with him. He didn't have the right to feel this way but he does. The pain was so intense, he continued to look down and let the tears flow from his eyes.

"Please, Pete. Answer me. Why are you like this?"

Ae was begging. He can't bear seeing Pete crying like this. He kept on wiping the tears but more are coming. Ae didn't know what else to do, he caged the younger guy in a tight embrace hoping it will be enough to shelter him from everything.


Pete called out while still being embraced by Ae.

"Yes, my angel?"

"Are you inlove with Can?"

Ae was so surprised of the question, he let go of Pete all of a sudden and look at him. The sudden movement seemed to have hurt the guy, emotionally, but he needed to see his face.

"So this is what it's all about. He thought Can was my lover? This ridiculous kid. He needs to learn to ask properly than immediately sulking and crying like this."

Ae held Pete face up until they are properly looking at each other.

"Are you jealous of Can, Pete?"

Pete can't deny his emotions, silently nodded. Which made Ae smiled despite of himself.

"Don't be jealous of him. He is like a little brother to me. But you are not."

Pete was initially shocked, then his expression suddenly changed to being confused, then to being hurt.

"Aish, Pete! Let me finish first before you make different conclusions inside that head of yours."

Ae flicked Pete's forehead, but making sure not to hit his wound.

"Pete, I never looked at you like a little brother at all. Eversince I laid my eyes on you, I thought you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. I have grown so attached with you, I don't want you to walk out of my life anymore. You are so important to me. Do you understand me?"

Pete blushed but nodded.

"You don't have to be jealous of anyone. There will never be a need for you to compete with them, it will always be you, always. So please, give me a chance to show you how much you mean to me. Please don't look at me as an older brother. Please, atleast, try to look at me as man who is willing to do everything for you. Please give me that chance to love you, Pete?"

"P'Ae, do you know what you are saying? Do you..."

"I perfectly know, Pete. I am not asking you to respond immediately. You can think about this. I don't know if you are fine being with another guy. But for me, I have fallen so deep for you. Just a chance Pete, is all I ask. If you feel like this is not working for you, that you can't feel tha same way. Just let me know and I will accept it."

Ae was betting his life into this chance.

Pete just got the surprised of his life. He didn't know how to express what he feels. He wanted to say so much but no words will come out of his mouth. He was overwhelmed with all the things that his P'Ae has told him that all he was able to do is look at him and nod. Ae smiled and hugged him tight.

"Thank you for the chance, Pete. Thank you."

Pete was only able to hug him back in response. He knew now how his P'Ae felt for him and this made him the happiest person alive. He was overwhelmed with emotions that he decided not say anything yet about how he feels for him. He knew he is denser and clueless than his P'Ae so he knew that his P'Ae has a bit of an idea how he feels. He would have his chance to say everything, not just now.

Ae let go of Pete and wiped his tears.

"No more crying, Pete. Okay?"

"Yes, P'Ae."

"Also, Pete. Can is my cousin. He is really clingy to me since we are kids so everyone is used to it. But if you are not comfortable with how he is. I'll tell him to avoid it."

Ae was now smirking, waiting how the younger guy will react with the fact.

"You are cousins?! Why didn't you tell me right away, P'Ae. I feel so stupid now!"

Pete was pouting while hitting Ae on the chest. Ae was grinning, he really love this side of Pete.

"Don't be angry, Pete. P'Ae wanted to see you jealous, you look cute when you are annoyed. But I don't want to see you sad and crying."

Pete was still pouting when Ae ruffled his hair.

"Are you ready to go out there, Pete?"

"Later, P'Ae. My eyes are puffy. It's embarrasing."

"I bet they knew Can planned this. Sorry if my cousin is crazy. He is a good guy though and he knew how I felt for you. But if you are not comfortable going out there yet maybe we can stay here until dinner."

Ae winked and settled himself on the bed, opening his arms. Pete smiled and approached his P'Ae to cuddle with him. Staying in each other's loving arms.


Thank you for all your well wishes for me. I feel much better today. Still under medication but much better than the previous days. (灬♥ω♥灬)

And here's the fluffy creature who published my story previously. (♥ω♥*)


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