Start from the beginning

Next to Miss Peregrine sat a girl with a heart warming smile and the most beautiful hazel eyes. She said: "Hi, I'm Fiona!" The boy with dark hair and mischievous smile started talking, but as soon as he opened his mouth bees came flying out of there. Everybody started to laugh, him laughing the most. "Hugh, where is your hat?" a girl with blonde hair and bangs asked. She looked very pretty, prettier than I ever would be. The boy left the dining room and when he came back he had a beekeepers hat with him. He started to suck the bees back and when the last one was back in his mouth, he put his hat on and sat down. "Hi, I'm Hugh and I'm sorry about the mess, I sometimes just forget. Don't worry the bees won't hurt you, see that's my peculiarity if you couldn't already figure it out," he said. I nodded.

The small girl with pink princess dress and beautiful golden locks, said with a quiet voice: "Hello, my name is Claire." She had a slight french accent when she said her name. I thought that maybe she was born in France. Next to her was an empty space. Suddenly a voice came from there. I was really confused. Some of the younger children started to chuckle and the girl next to me said with an English accent: "Millard, please go and put some clothes on. I'm sorry, this is Millard, he's invisible. I'm Emma by the way. Delighted to meet you."

The boy next to me was still staring at his food, I could hear him thinking, this is nonsense. "I'm Enoch," he said with a grumpy voice. "Don't mind him. His still a little grumpy. Nice to meet you Dorothea, I'm Victor," a boy with sweet voice and blonde hair said from next to Enoch. He actually looked quite handsome, I recognized.

A girl, who looked quite similar to Victor added: "And I am Bronwyn, it's so cool that you came. Nobody really comes here anymore." A small voice next to her said: "My name is Olive. Did you know that you have a really pretty name," i said thank you and looked in her eyes, they were bright blue, almost icy and full of joy. Claire also added with a shy voice: "And you look like a pretty princess. Enoch said so too." I looked at him. A light blush was covering his cheeks. When he saw that everybody was peeking at him, he blocked every emotion off his face and started to stare his food again.

Finally there was one boy left. He looked very professional and tidy. The weirdest thing was that he was wearing a black suit. It looked perfect, it didn't have any wrinkles or stains on it. "Horace. Nice to meet you!" he stated. I smiled and said: "Nice to meet everybody!"

When everybody had finished their breakfast Olive, Claire and Bronwyn invited me to play with their dolls. I agreed and we went outside.

The garden looked magical. Everything was bright green and when the sun shined on it, everything looked even more green. I didn't know that there existed this bright green. The garden was covered with small bushes and couple bigger ones were shaped as an animals. I was wondering, how did they manage to shape them as animals. There was a dinosaur, a rabbit and a bear. I asked Claire: "Claire, how do the bushes manage to have that shape?" She chuckled, whispered something in Bronwyn's and Olive's ear, took my hand and started leading me somewhere.

When we got to the edge of a small field. It was covered with the most magical plants that have ever existed, i thought. Every plant you could imagine was there and everything looked so luscious. Fiona appeared next to my and asked what were we doing there. "I think Thea wants to see your peculiarity," Claire stated. I smiled at the nickname she had accidentally given me. "Yeah, it would be fun but how is this connected with the bushes shaped as plants?" "You'll see," was the only thing she said.

Fiona ran on the field. She stood next to a small bush and put her hands over it. I observed what she was doing carefully. The bush started growing, as she was concentrating. It was growing into a shape. When the bush finally a shape of a small heart, she came back to us. "So this is your peculiarity. You can make plants grow and manipulate them. It's so cool," I said as my eyes were wide. "Thank you!" she thanked me and ran off somewhere.

Three small girls leaded me back, they sat in the shadow of the old oak tree and took their dolls, which were apparently already there. The dolls actually were beautiful. The heads were made out of porcelain and the clothes seemed to be handmade. Claire's doll had long wavy auburn hair. Doll's face was pale, her eyes were green and her cheeks rosy. Doll had long dress, which was olive green. It had lacy ends. Olives doll had shorter hair. It was golden blonde. The doll was as pale as Claire's and the facial features were same. Olives dolls dress was ruby red. It had short sleeves and was also lacy. Bronwyn's doll had long hair too, but this time it was black. it was really curly. Dark hair made dolls face even more pale than it already was. Her eyes were icy blue and lips were wine red. The dress was indigo blue. It was long but still had short sleeves. They all looked really pretty and made me want to play with dolls again.

The girl started playing with the dolls. I watched them as they were fighting whose doll got to be the queen. Suddenly I felt something on my foot. I looked down and saw a weird creature. It had dolls head but one of the eyes was missing. The body reminded me some kind of skeleton, but I couldn't really tell. It had crabs legs and arms. I took it in my hand but it was trying to get away. I asked the little girls about the doll. When Olive turned around to watch, she was adjusting Claire's dolls dress and when she saw it, she accidentally tore Claire's dolls dress little. She looked a little freaked out and when Claire saw her dolls dress she started crying. I promised her that I would sew her new one. She stopped crying and got exited. As she got more exited you could hear her french accent better. I asked her: "Claire, do you speak French?" "Oui, oui, mais je ne le parle pas depuis longtemps*," she said very exited that she could speak her mother tongue. "Comme c'est charmant, je parle aussi le français, ma chérie!**" as i said that she started giggling and hugged me. Other two girls came and hugged me too. I said: "Come on, let's go and I will sew new dresses for all your dolls," the girls started smiling and jumping around. "But first I have to return this to its rightful owner. Do you know who it is?" the girls nodded and took my free hand and kept distance with my other hand which I was holding the wiggling creature. I understood it could look pretty scary to young children.

They led me inside. We went up the majestic stairs. They let go of my hand and Bronwyn waved her hand to one door. "We will wait you here;" she exclaimed. I stepped to the door, and when I reached it, I knocked quietly.

"Go away!" I heard Scottish accent say. "I think I have something that belongs to you," I answered as I opened the door and stepped in. You, I heard him think. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I was sitting in the garden with Olive, Claire and Bronwyn, when this came up to us. I didn't have anything against him but the children were a little frightened. Before I start doing other things I want to give it back. And please could you stop it from wiggling around, it's quite difficult to hold it," he looked me with a weird look in his eyes. I couldn't really hear his thoughts, but I heard couple fragments as: why the hell's bells is it with you and I'm a bampot***. I couldn't quite identify the phrases but I believed that it would be better for everybody if they would stay a mystery to me. "Give to me and go away," he said with his Scottish accent deepening. I was offended because he didn't even say thank you, so I asked him about the weird phrases. "Could you explain me what means hell's bells and bampot?" "What? How did you, oh you can read minds, can you?" he looked even more surprised. "Yeah and explain them now," I said because he irritated me by being rude. "First, get out of my mind, now. Second, it's not your business," he said calmly. "Quel imbécile****," I muttered under my breath, put the creature on the floor and left the room, by banging the door.

*"Yes, yes, but I have not spoken for a long time."

**"How charming, I also speak French, my darling!"


****"What an idiot."

A/N: Hi guys! I really hope you like this chapter because I really enjoyed writing it. I'm really sorry about mistakes because I'm was really tired writing it and I'm sorry if my French is little (or very) rusty. I love all of you and you, who read it mean a lot to me. <3


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