"We are going to run a couple of tests to make sure that she's alright. You can meet her after the officials have met. They need to take her statement regarding what happened", the doctor said as he made his way out.

He took several glances inside the room, hoping that Safa was holding herself together. He didn't want her to recall whatever had happened, it would only hurt her. After a long time when the officials were done, Rayan was relieved as Safa didn't look worse than what she already was.

It took Rayan several moments to gather the courage to see her in that state and not break down in front of her. Taking a deep breath, he knocked at the door and went in.

"How are you doing?", he asked.

"Take a guess", she answered with a broken voice. "How did I get here?"

"A kind lady saw you take a dive and called 911", he tried to lighten the mood.

"Where is Ayaan?"

Rayan clenched his fist at his name. He was so furious when he got to know that he tried to kill her that when he saw him lying on the hospital bed half paralyzed, he wished that he were dead but believed that he deserved to live that way and walked away.

"Far far away from you. No more talking or thinking about him."

"I want to know, please tell me."

"Fine. He is in a different hospital. There was no way that I would let that maniac and you be under the same roof."

Tears rolled down Safa's eyes. She was disappointed with herself for her actions.

"I tried to kill him", she whispered but Rayan heard her and he took no time in responding, "You protected yourself."

There was a long pause between them but their silence spoke a thousand words. She was too guilty of her actions and he was too disappointed that he couldn't save her.

"Do my parents know?", she asked.

"I told your mom two days back that you are going through a lot, she tried to call you but you didn't answer", he said. "A while back Marwa called to check in on you. They want to talk to you."

"I can't", she said and turned away, trying to fight back her tears.


"What will I tell them? That I tried to kill my husband? That I tried to suicide?"

"Honestly, it's not suicide when you're jumping off the first floor", he said and smiled. He tried to make her smile but it didn't help.

"That's not funny."

"Yeah, sorry. Look, you protected yourself. You were brave enough to stand up against him. You did nothing wrong."

"Easy for you to say."

He sighed and said, " Look, I don't know what your life was with him and you have no clue how much it hurts me to see you this way. But I can promise you that it is over and he will never be a part of your life. That maniac has messed with your head a lot and it's time for Safa to be back. Once you are out of here of course."

"I want to go home", she said and her eyes filled with tears. He immediately held her palms and he got teary.

"We'll go home soon", he assured her. "but you really need to talk to your family, now."

"I can't. I can't let them see me this way."

"They should know what happened. They deserve to", he said and in return she just nodded.

Her Unreasonable Love (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now