chapter 15 - Truth or truth

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"Alright then, let's get started", he said and motioned me to sit in front of him at the dining table. I went ahead and sat there, all confident as it was not in my genes to loose.

"Ill ask you three questions and you need to answer them honestly. You lie, you loose."

"Questions regarding?"

"About yourself of course. Consider this a 'bonding moment'."

I couldn't help but blush at that. He was actually trying to get to know me. He could had just anything about me and I would had answered honestly. But again, he was far from normal and I was willing to embrace this quirky side of his.

"Why just three?"

"Those are sufficient. I'm confident that you'll loose within the first three questions", he smiled and was very confident indeed.

"Lets make it a little interesting then, we both ask each other questions and whoever looses gets a punishment and if I win, my prize remains as decided", I said in a low tone.

Trying to keep it down as I didn't want him to know how happy and excited I was about doing something with him. Also I didn't want him to think any less of me for being excited for such a silly thing.

He thought for a moment and said, "What if I win?"

"Your rules remain unchanged."

"Not a good bargain but it works for me. So let's start?"

"Always ready."

"First question. Why did you contact me before we got married?"

I did not see that coming. I did often wonder about him asking me that question but never prepared an answer for it. I had to say something that wasn't stupid nor sounded desperate. "I was curious to know you. After watching similar senarios on movies and serials, I wanted to experience that rush and excitement." I was impressed with myself. He nodded in return.

"My question. Why didn't you contact me before we got married?", I asked. It was something I really curious to know and it seemed like the perfect time to ask him. He asking the same question made it easier for me.

He thought for a moment and answered, "I'm a little old fashioned. I like things the conventional way."

Wow, so he wasn't very keen in change. But then he used all gluten and fat free products, which was pretty unconventional. And about us sleeping in different rooms, that's definitely unconventional. Just at the thought of that, I got my next question.

"So your second question, have you ever considered loosing weight?"

"I lost 8 kgs", I sounded defensive. But it was a reflex. Come to think of it, it was a very rude question to ask a lady or even a lad. I was supposed to be offended deeply but I wasn't, probably my excitement level was way too high to fall down the hill.

He laughed and said, " That's not my answer. You loose a point."

"Hey I didn't finish answering yet."

"You have been over weight since you were born and also been bullied for it. Then why haven't you done anything about it?"

This time it hit me harder than I thought. It was like I was being interrogated and I wanted to give out the information, if only I knew. It brought back memories from the past. Everytime I was bullied for my weight, I would turn to food for comfort.

I didn't know any other way to cope with my feelings as talking to my parents didn't help me much. They would tell me to not give it any importance but dealing with it everyday at school was tough. They loved me the way I was and never tried to change me. It was only after I turned 22 that my mother started to worry.

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